We love to hear from our readers. For those who believe it’s vitally important to continually fight against military corruption, we appreciate your continued support. For those who disagree with what we do, we also want to hear from you as well.
We do our very best to gather facts, but occasionally the train will jump the tracks. If you feel you, or someone else has been unjustly harmed by our reporting, please contact us immediately. We hold ourselves accountable, but we cannot correct those things we do not know about.
Accountability is what our website is all about. America seems to avoid accountability especially for the “ruling class.” This causes a multi-tiered justice system where those in positions of trust are allowed to retire to avoid accountability. We believe in Equal Justice Under Law, and want the laws, all laws, applied equally to everyone.
If you have comments, please do not hesitate to share them with us. If you have credible information of any corruption, we also want people to contact us. Our objective here is to not to tear down the system, but make it work the way it should be working.