The military has changed. It’s not your father’s military anymore.
Congress continues to threaten and intimidate the senior leadership of the military to be more politically correct even if they have to convict the innocent by using their favorite technique of UNLAWFUL COMMAND INFLUENCE. There may come a time where America can no longer fight and win a war, but we will sure in hell be politically correct. Historians will write after the next war that Americans were massacred because of identity politics and being fearful of inadvertently offending someone.
On the other side of that coin, we ask ourselves a question there is no answer to; how many women have been raped and assaulted in the military that never got any justice because the military is such a strong good-old-boys club. How many male officers have been railroaded out of the military or into prison over an accusation of rape or assault after a woman pulled down her bra strap and cried about a rape or assault that never occurred?

Think about what is occurring now where women who accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of a rape that never happened. This hysterical quest to convert our military into a crucible of political correctness is corrosive to good strong leadership. Military commanders who are being pressured to chop off heads to mollify Members of Congress need to yell, “F. you and the horse you rode in on,” and do the right thing at the risk of losing a promotion or coveted duty assignment.
Military commanders who coverup criminal misconduct need to be court-martialed. There must be a balance and courageous leadership. The civilians call it talking truth to power. Many military commanders don’t have the guts to speak truth to power for fear of receiving a poor work evaluation and losing that coveted next promotion.
We are not nieve enough to believe military commanders will toss their careers in the toilet to do the right thing. There is too much evidence that people who do the wrong thing or look the other way are rewarded with great military careers.
Unless real leadership in our military begins to surface, all military members are in extreme danger when we find ourselves in hot-war down the road. Unless commanders fight against stupidity and appeasement, as famous General Matthew Ridgeway did back in the day, we all need to be afraid, very afraid.
Stars and Stripes reported some of the details concerning the mass firing at Laughlin AFB, but we believe there is a back story to this action that needs to be told. Was someone doing someone’s wife and this drinking ritual was used as a way to get even with someone? HEY AIR FORCE! If you know the truth about what is going on behind the scenes, you know how to reach us. Help us to fight for truth and expose the corrupt in the hope the military will actually fix what is broken.
Stars and Stripes Reported the Following…
WASHINGTON — The Air Force removed three top commanders at Laughlin Air Force Base on Wednesday citing concerns about dangerous and threatening behavior at the major pilot training installation in Texas, the service’s Air Education and Training Command announced.
The chief of AETC, Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast, fired Col. Charles Velino, the commander of the 47th Flying Training Wing, and the commanders of its operations group and flying training squadron citing “chronic leadership failures” raised in an investigation into widespread officer misconduct within the unit, according to an Air Force statement released Wednesday. The statement did not name the commanders of the operations group or the flying training squadron.
However, Col. Robert Pekarek had been in command of the operations group since June 2017, according to Air Force records. An Air Force spokeswoman declined to name the flying training squadron commander who was relieved of duty.
“The prior command team chronically failed to appropriately care for people and the mission,” Kwast said in the statement. “They failed to correct an evolving situation that led to an environment where some airmen did not feel safe or respected.”
While the Air Force would not give details, the San Antonio Express-News reports “the move came in the wake of incidents in the past year that included a female pilot being given a vulgar name during a drinking ritual and another case involving a threat.”
The ritual involved a gathering in which students were given “call signs” while drinking shots of liquor. It was “a kind of a blowup where everybody said, ‘Oh my God, how could this happen?’” Yet the female pilot, who remains in the Air Force, said she did not believe the naming ceremony was a big deal,” Kwast said.
Kwast said the signs something was wrong at Laughlin surfaced about a year ago. “What we found, the root was a pattern of looking the other way in the small things that eventually led to big things,” Kwast said.
He said the call-sign naming ceremony something that “in a healthy culture should never, ever, ever happen.”
Velino had served as the 47th Wing’s commander since June 2017 after serving two years as the commander of the 15th Wing’s Operations Group in Hawaii, according to his official biography. He has served in the Air Force since 1995 and has logged 3,700 flight hours piloting a variety of aircraft including C-17 Globemaster III cargo jets.
Maj. Gen. Patrick Doherty, the commander of the 19th Air Force, which oversees the 47th Wing, ordered an inquiry into the command team after misconduct allegations were raised. The investigation substantiated those claims revealing instances of heavy alcohol consumption and improper treatment of some student pilots, according to the Air Force.
The investigation did not reveal toxic command climates at other units within the 19th Air Force, Kwast said.
The 47th Flying Training Wing includes more than 1,400 servicemembers and is responsible for training Air Force, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve and allied nations’ pilots, according to the Air Force. The wing flies some 80,000 hours each year using T-6 Texan II, T-38 Talon and T-1A Jayhawk training aircraft.
Air Force Col. Lee Gentile was named the wing’s new commander. He was most recently the vice commander of the 71st Flight Training Wing at Vance Air Force Base in Oklahoma, according to the Air Force statement.