Ronald Coyle is a proud military veteran with two Honorable discharges. He served on active-duty September 2012 through September 2016 as a medic with the 127th MP Co. on Fort Carson, CO. He’s a graduate of the United States Army Air Assault School.
Coyle attained the rank of Sergeant during his first enlistment. He also served in the Colorado National Guard September 2016 through December 2018.
He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Thomas More College in Crestview Hills, KY, then rounded off his education with a Doctorate degree in Business Administration from Trident University International.
The Ronald Coyle case is disturbing and supports many of the other stories you’ve probably read about so much on MilitaryCorruption.com. The editor always says, “It’s the same shit over and over again, because there is no accountability for flag-ranking officers of the United States.”
MilitaryCorruption.com made the decision to tell the Ronald Coyle story because he kept such good records and caught the Fort Carson command in a brazen attempt to make him the fall guy. The Army didn’t realize the person they attempted to set up was, wait for it…. “Army Strong.”
Coyle is actually one of the lucky ones able to intelligently reveal the ongoing corruption among senior leadership military and civilian ranks in the U.S. Army. You can bet this same scenario is occurring at many military installations all over the world.
Ronald Coyle joined the U.S. Army to serve his country. He also desired to attain GI Bill benefits to help pay for a Ph.D. He was offered a position as a GS-11 employee with the Fort Carson MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation) marketing department in September 2019.
The position was a two-year term employment agreement. He accepted the position to keep his marketing skills up to date while wrapping up his Ph.D. His job title was that of “Web Content Analyst.”
He was responsible for promoting a healthy living and lifestyle concept called MPL (Mountain Post Living). His main job responsibilities included analyzing marketing data and managing MPL social media accounts.
MPL was a concept that came about by General Randy George (https://www.gomo.army.mil/public/Biography/usa-8581/randya-george).
General Matthew McFarlane continued the plan, (https://www.gomo.army.mil/public/Biography/usa-10093/mattheww-mcfarlane).
MPL utilized a budget of up to $250,000 in what Ronald was told was derived from public funds (e.g., Congressionally approved funds).
MWR operates as a NAF (Non-Appropriated Fund) entity (as stated on https://www.facebook.com/carsonnafhro/reviews).
MWR is prohibited from comingling public funds with many of its for-profit entities (e.g., bowling alleys on various military posts).
MWR management asked Ronald Coyle to manage the MPL fund approximately six months after he accepted the position. Unfortunately, his job title was not that of a manager. Also, his job description had no mention of job duties where he was to handle funds of any sort.
Ronald Coyle had no access, or management of MPL funds. MWR leadership, specifically Marketing Director Shaune Stewart, would bring Coyle pre-filled forms.
Stewart had apparently placed his signature for authorized use of funds only to then ask Coyle to sign off as a person making the ‘request’ to use such funds. The set-up was to make things look like Ronald was legitimately requesting the use of MPL funds for MWR to use towards highly dubious expenses.
The funds were being used to support marketing expenses for many of Fort Carson MWRs for profit entities. Despite no actual ability to manage MPL funds, top Fort Carson civilian and military leadership made sure to tell everyone that the MPL budget belonged to Ronald Coyle.
As “Web Content Analyst” for MPL, Coyle worked closely with other individuals on Fort Carson. For instance, Coyle partnered with a Maj. Jason Green in the Fort Carson Public Affairs office who transferred from Fort Benning, GA. Maj. Green was tasked to various aspects of MPL.
For some unknown reason, the United States Army is funneling money to MWR programs. Is this occurring only on Fort Carson? The Fort Carson MWR director knew what was going on.
Maj. Green questioned if the MPL budget was being spent appropriately; however, was abruptly told not the discuss ANYTHING related to the said MPL budget. This is because the MPL budget was “publicly” supposed to belong to Ronald Coyle; however, others managed it behind closed doors.
Something seemed off with the MPL budget. Coyle began saving potential evidence for fear he was being set up. He planned to bring up the issue of MPL fund usage to Fort Carson, CO leadership. Upon bringing up the issue, Fort Carson investigated it.
Ronald Coyle was never charged with anything; however, Fort Carson did not provide a copy of the investigation results. Coyle finished his term employment contract, accepting a position with the USPS (United States Postal Service) July 2021.
Coyle submitted a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request in September 2021. Fort Carson MWR leadership hesitated to provide a copy of the investigation results; but begrudgingly provided Coyle with a heavily redacted version. And, you thought Trump’s search warrant and affidavit were heavily redacted; this was worse.
MPL funds were clearly going to questionable charges; however, the investigation does not state who made those requests. Coyle shared a copy of the MPL investigation results publicly within the r\Army forum on Reddit.
An unknown person responding with what appeared to be first-hand information of the investigation, and warned Coyle that he should not talk to anyone in an accounting department in future jobs. The response seemed very odd to Ronald Coyle.
Coyle never talked with anyone in any accounting position during his tenure at Fort Carson, CO as the MPL “Web Content Analyst.”
What is clear is that Fort Carson MWR Community Recreation Officer (Mr. Justin Glenn) intentionally left out literally all the evidence within the so-called investigation, (e.g., copies of forms from his manager Shaune Stewart pre-authorizing use of MPL funds).
The MWR would say something was in support of MPL to justify using the MPL funds. These financial machinations made Ronald Coyle realize that something far deeper (darker) may be going on.
Coyle informed the former Fort Carson, CO Garrison Commander Colonel Nathan Springer of the discrepancies; however, he had no desire to further investigate. Colonel Springer only advised that the case had been closed for months.
Coyle has since submitted several follow-up FOIA requests. Both Fort Carson, CO Army leadership and Fort Carson MWR fail to want to show copies of those documents they allege was signed by Coyle.
This included those things he found to be highly suspect, like purchases for fuel, technology items, and other items as listed in the investigation.
Ronald Coyle has summoned the help of several attorneys. He said that most prefer to take a pass, fearing retaliation.
Attorneys advised Ronald Coyle, that he experienced a ‘classic’ embezzlement frame-up scheme.
They find a patsy and publicly give him/her all the credit for managing the funds. Then, if anyone begins to question how funds are being embezzled, they all point the finger at the patsy. This usually works, but they ran into a person who would not stand for it and is pursuing the matter to clear his good name.
Coyle believes Fort Carson, CO. military and civilian leadership are actively hiring people to be the (real or perceived) proverbial ‘fall guy’ in an embezzlement scheme. Coyle was lucky enough to have caught on early and avoided getting led off to jail for the missing funds he had no control over.
Normally the embezzlement of public funds on a federal military installation carries a lengthy sentence. This is true in most cases except for Dan Johnson, former Army major and double-billing fraud artist in Columbia, South Carolina.
Our investigation of this matter indicates that no one at Fort Carson MWR has been charged with any crime associated with misuse of MPL funds. Ronald Coyle was told he was not the target of the MPL investigation, however investigation results tell a much different story.
Frank Jacobson (who manages the Fort Carson Bowling Center) verbally advised Ronald Coyle that he was indeed ‘cover’ for MWR and Fort Carson leadership. Furthermore, the whole scheme was set-up to keep certain people out of Fort Leavenworth.
Meanwhile, Ronald Coyle has a new job at the post office, but the case still dogs his trail. He decided he had to clear his name or it would surely come up ten years down the road to haunt him again.
Coyle sent USPS certified letters to both Colorado state Senator Hickenlooper and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) asking for further investigation into this matter. What he wants, what he needs and what he demands is a real and credible investigation into the missing funds at Fort Carson.
Coyle also reached out to the GAO (Government Accounting Office) which assists the United States Congress. Only the GAO has responded. The GAO is not denying that fraud did not occur.

In contrast, the GAO merely states that looking into the issue is out of its lane and has thus sent this matter to the DODIG (Department of Defense Inspector General).
People interested in learning more, please reference COMP-22-007415 when connecting with the DODIG.
Ronald Coyle has not been charged with anything but rumor control surely has been focusing in on him as the culprit.
Now the brass hats at Fort Carson can say, “nothing to see here folks, let’s keep the line moving.”
Coyle has been subjected to harassment. For example, Fort Carson, CO leadership sent a USPS Inspector General investigator to speak with Coyle where he is now employed.
The USPS Inspector General investigator advised him to stop ‘revisiting’ the matter.
The subtle threat to Ronald Coyle was clear, shut up and forget all this or your postal career may end sooner than you think.
Coyle has a ton of evidence to support his assertions. All he needs is for a credible and honest investigation of who stole or misappropriated federal funds and the clearing of his good name.
Is this not the primary problem that America grapples with right now? No one is being held accountable. The corruption, graft and fraud are corrosively eating away at the fabric of our society.
Ronald Coyle wonders how many other people have been fraudulently framed for embezzlement by the U.S. Army, Fort Carson, CO leadership and/or the U.S. government in general.
This type of fraud is usually deeply ingrained into the work-a-day habits of the base and nothing every changes, because the leadership is corrupt as well. Is there a general, or several flag-ranking officers who have been meddling with federal funds? How long has this scheme been going on at Fort Carson?
People have to come forward and demand accountability. Ronald Coyle is asking anyone with any additional information to contact him directly.

Twitter: @ronaldcoyle
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 719-722-1531
Ronald Coyle is to be commended. We salute him for his courage and tenacious resolve. Don’t stop fighting until the truth is revealed and you receive a letter of apology from the Secretary of the United States Army.
We won’t hold our breath on any apology from anyone in the Army. All those responsible should be dragged before a military court or a civilian grand jury to ask why they were attempting to frame an innocent person. And, oh BTW, were did the money go?
It is typically perceived that “fall guy” schemes are merely a concoction for Hollywood films. Ronald Coyle can attest to the reality of what it’s like to endure the harassments and innuendoes. Everyone should consider what is perception, versus what is really happening.
Check back regularly. Militarycorruption.com will assuredly post an update about the Fort Carson fraud scheme. It’s just a classic example of what military personnel are subjected to when they say, “Hey, wait a minute; these figures aren’t adding up.”
The real question here is why is the Army being so sneaky about financial issues that should be fully transparent? Our gut tells us there is something very stinky going on and it could be occurring on a global scale involving billions of taxpayer dollars.
Folks at Fort Carson familiar with the inner-workings of financial expenditures should read this 175 page FOIA dump they sent Ronald Coyle. Tell us if there are other things that look amiss. Thieves generally don’t stop at just one or two items, their greed pushes them to steal more.