UPDATED: JUNE 24, 2023 (with new email from the mailbag):
Right now, MC.com is trying to gather information concerning Director David Omura of the Dorn VA Medical Center in Columbia, South Carolina.
We received information that Director David Omura was escorted out of the Dorn VA Medical Center allegedly for stealing bonuses that were earmarked for the people who performed so well during the COVID Pandemic. Officer Scott indicated that Omura was “relocated” out of the Dorn VA Medical Center on Monday, June 12, 2023 in the AM.
David Omura is also accused of sexual harassment, negligent Veteran care due to staff turnover/shortage from retaliation and hostile work environments for Whistleblowing. We also understand there is a list of others that are being investigated as well.
One particular individual that our sources say needs to be part of any investigation is Jeffrey Soots, who has been Omura’s “right hand man.” According to our source that we deem as highly credible, “Jeffery Soots is the most incompetent, arrogant horse’s ass you could ever have the displeasure of meeting.”
Another source said that Walter Harper should be a part of any malfeasance investigation. As our readers may recall, he was suspected of illegally signing official documents for a relative. He was never held accountable for that or for any of the many other dubious things he is suspected of being involved in.
The cancer that has metastasized at the Dorn VA Medical Center in Columbia, South Carolina did not involve just David Omura. There are many others involved in unethical and probably illegal behavior that has plagued Dorn for many years.
A message to VA HQ in Washington; it’s time for a major house cleaning at the Columbia VA Health Care System. New leadership is certainly helpful, but others need to be held accountable for their contribution to the pathetic leadership as well.

During the COVID Pandemic, doctors, nurses and many other VA employees were working 16-20 hour days to save lives. The VA wisely decided that such work needed to be recognized with well-deserved bonuses.
Instead of disbursing those funds to those who deserved it, Director Omura was allegedly using that bonus money for other purposes. How much of the money actually went into his own pocket is unknown.
Since the matter involves federal funds, the case is probably being handled by Adair F. Boroughs who is the U.S. Attorney for the District of South Carolina. Whose court actually has jurisdiction in this case is unknown.
If true, this story should be hitting local and national news media very soon.
Director Omura has done many things we felt were highly unethical, but if he actually stole or misappropriated bonus money from the hard-working employees of the Dorn VA Medical Center, that enters the realm of criminal misconduct.
For VA brass, this was indeed the straw that broke the camel’s back.
We will keep our readers informed with any additional information we receive. Right now, all we know is that police escorted Director David Omura out of the Dorn VA Medical Center and off the premises.
NOTE: We caution our readers to understand that we are just sharing a rumor about Omura’s alleged arrest for payroll theft. He, like all other people suspected of malfeasance, is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All we know for sure is that witnesses actually saw him being lead out of the building by police officers.
Dear Columbia VA Health Care System Employees,
I am writing to inform you the current Columbia VA Health Care System Director. Dr. David Omura, will be detailed to the Office of Integrated Veterans Care (IVC) for a special assignment.
The VA Southeast Network Quality Management Officer, Ms. Annette Wyatt, RN, MSN, will serve as the acting Director June 8-18. The Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center Director, Mr. John F. Merkle, FACHE, will assume the responsibilities of the Columbia VA Health Care System Director beginning June 19, 2023.
On June 8, 2023, I will hold a Town Hall to formally introduce Ms. Wyatt to the Columbia VA team. Upon Mr. Merkle’s arrival, we will also host a Town Hall to introduce him.
We know you are committed to maintaining the highest level of care and service to our Veteran community. Thank you for all you do on behalf of the Veterans who entrust us with their healthcare.
Received Saturday, June 24, 2023: I have been at several VA facilities. I spent four years as a veterans service officer in another state for the Legion and the VA. I’ve been absolutely blown away by the pathetic culture and care at Dorn. I never thought any hospital could be this incompetent. I never believed the complaints I’d see on the news could be really that bad. This place has changed my mind. I’m glad to see some focus on the Dorn VA Medical Center. It’s in dire need of positive and effective leadership.
Received Sunday, June 18, 2023: Regarding Dorn VA and the corruption at the top…. The article specifically excluded Ruth Mustard, the 70+ year old chief of nursing who the OIG report in 2012/4 specifically identified as the major driver of veteran deaths back then due to delays in colonoscopy screenings. How is she still there? Good question, but before I suffered whistleblower retaliation from Omura, I heard rumor of her having relatives in Congress. Bottom line, the entire Dorn Pentad needs reworking, and many of the staff they hired need to go as well. Hate to say it, but perhaps shifting more care to surrounding VAs might be a better idea.
Received Saturday, June 17, 2023: I am writing to you today as a veteran and former Dorn VA employee on Fathers’ Day 2023 after I barely survived the Hostile Work Environment and the 2017 Radiology Department Hostile Takeover perpetrated by David Omura, Bernard Dekoning, and Walter Harper. Mr. Harper was allowed to walk away unscathed after they kicked Dr. Jennings Pressly, Radiology Director, to the curb. Jacquette Caldwell was planted as pawn as Acting Radiology Director. I requested help directly from Director David Omura and was ignored. I attach the letter my wife wrote to Omura and lawyer’s letters sent to him.