The United States Army JAG Corps is responsible for incarcerating Army soldiers in the Fort Leavenworth federal penitentiary. According to the public affairs officer, there are 620 Army inmates currently incarcerated in Ft. Leavenworth.
We wonder how many of the inmates at all American military prisons, from all branches of service, are there, not so much for violations of laws, but more because of military politics and corruption? How many military members are wasting away in prison, because they blew the whistle on their commanding officers?
How many inmates have broken regulations, but because the convening authority unlawfully influenced the court, they ended up being over-sentenced? For example, instead of receiving one year in prison, they got ten or twenty years.
The Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps is the legal branch of the: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. They are responsible for prosecuting military members who have violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Military statutes apply to all military members, except the admirals and generals of course. They get a pass on their crimes, being allowed to retire to avoid investigation or prosecution.
It begs the question; who is responsible for keeping JAG lawyers honest? Who is responsible for policing the integrity of the JAG Corps? In the Army, the lieutenant general in charge of the JAG Corps is the chief lawyer who is ultimately responsible for insuring military lawyers in the JAG Corps maintain the highest of integrity.
There are many cases of misconduct by the Army JAG Corps. MilitaryCorruption.com (MCC) has cited several of those cases, as in the rail-road job of Army Major Eric Burris. What the Army did to Major Burris is a classic example of deep corruption within the Army JAG Corps.
The historian and moralist, Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Lord Acton was referring to any organization who flouts the law and does whatever the hell they want to do – The United State Army’s JAG Corps.”
A few years ago Lieutenant General Dana Chipman was the top lawyer in the United States Army. Chipman was grooming a personal friend that he believed was a rising legal star, labeling him a hotshot-lawyer named Major Daniel Woolverton. Does that name ring a bell?
LTG Chipman did everything he could to promote and protect Major Woolverton. In the young major, Chipman saw tremendous leadership and character traits he felt all of his officers and lawyers should emulate. The accelerated promotions for Woolverton rivaled promotions of family members and close friends in some third-world dictatorship.
The only problem was; Major Daniel Woolverton was a sick, perverted bastard who got caught filming himself raping an infant child, and then sharing his disgusting videos online for other sick bastards to enjoy.
Unfortunately for Major Woolverton, the FBI was on the prowl for sexual deviants that infect the Internet with such filth, and arrested Army Major Daniel Woolverton for his reprehensible and vile behavior. This is the same individual that LTG Chipman thought was such a man of integrity.
After catching Major Woolverton for publishing his perversion online, the FBI discovered thousands of pictures of child porn found on his home computer. Woolverton’s arrest cited that he possessed, “child pornography for production and distribution.”
Remember, we are talking about a United States Army JAG lawyer, who was held in the highest of esteem for handing down punishments on scores of other people, then shipping them off to American gulags across the nation. Does the word hypocrite comes to mind?
WHO HAD $2,000,000 IN THE BANK AND MADE $80,000/yr.

One of our confidential sources reporting on the U.S. Army JAG Corps revealed eyebrow-raising behavior by a JAG officer who bullied him under threat of court-martial to wrongfully pay “spousal support” to a multi-millionaire ex-wife that had an $80,000/yr. job.
To protect his identity, we will refer to our source as “Jim Johnson.” No one knows better than Jim Johnson and Major Erik Burris, that the Army’s JAG Corps is rife with corruption. The corruption started at the top of the JAG Corps with the 3-star lieutenant general, then permeated downward infecting many people throughout the chain of command.
Johnson’s personal friend and college classmate (now a retired JAG Colonel himself) explained to him, “The lawyers are as thick as thieves, so forget about initiating corrective action against any of them” [sic]. Translated; the military JAG Corps believes themselves to be, and in many cases are… completely ABOVE THE LAW. Wherein lies the danger for all under their jurisdiction.
Army JAG officer, Captain Matthew “slease-ball” Fitzgerald illegally threatened Jim Johnson under the color of law. If Johnson didn’t pay his millionaire ex-wife $40,000 in spousal support, Capt. Slease-ball was going to proceed to a full-blown court-martial.
Fitzgerald claimed Johnson owed his spouse “financial support” under Army regulations, because Johnson was stationed in the USA and while his millionaire wife remained in Germany (in her $80,000+ per year job as a DoDDS employee). Fitzgerald’s argument was that Johnson was physically separated from his wife while on active duty and that Jim Johnson needed to make sure he provided his wife with enough money to “eat and survive.”
Fact was, that Johnson’s wife had no financial problem at all with food or survival, quite the contrary. Johnson’s wife had over $2,000,000 in her Wachovia stock-trading account at that time, and enjoyed government employment that gushed tons of money every two weeks. She certainly didn’t need money from anyone to “eat and survive.”
Johnson’s wife became a multi-millionaire thanks to a former divorce from an ex hubby. The idea that he had to provide his wife with money to eat and survive in Germany while he was stationed in America was ludicrous and stupid.
On top of being a multi-millionaire, Johnson also indicated his wife was terribly abusive. On one occasion, he filed abuse charges against her that were substantiated and determined to be true and credible.
The Army regulation is quite specific and clear, but Capt. Slease-ball Fitzgerald pushed to have Johnson court-martialed for failure to pay “spousal support” to his millionaire wife, which included back-pay for years. Again, there was no legal basis for paying back “spousal support,” and Slease-ball Fitzgerald knew it.
Captain Slease-ball Fitzgerald attempted to mitigate his misconduct by insinuating he had no intention to prosecute Johnson, but Johnson kept documents for disbelievers that proved otherwise.
Fitzgerald went even further, intending to take steps to deny Johnson his upcoming planned retirement. Capt. Fitzgerald intended to have Johnson’s retirement date extended, ensuring he had him on active duty to ensure he could court-martial him if Johnson did not cough up back “spousal support” for his millionaire wife.
Capt. Fitzgerald did everything he could to capitalize on the situation and garner attention from his superiors that could lead to a quick promotion and choice of duty. Remember, anything in your record that shows you are defending women delights Congress, flag-ranking officers and the Me-Too Movement. Slease-ball Fitzgerald was not about to let this opportunity pass him by.
But, the truth is Captain “slease-ball” Fitzgerald made illegal threats under the color-of-law, then took overt steps to act on those threats, knowing full well that what he was doing was illegal and unethical.
And as surely as North Korea’s Kim Jong-un knew about the torture of Otto Warmbier, Lieutenant General Dana Chipman knew what his officers were doing in the JAG Corps. If he didn’t know when Capt. Fitzgerald was doing it, he surely became aware of it after the fact when Jim Johnson sought help from his office.
To make sure Jim Johnson didn’t know what his rights were, the Army denied him access to an attorney. The Army JAG office were he was stationed (Presidio of Monterey) had no US Army military defense counsels with which he could consult.
The Army DENIED Johnson the option to go to Fort Irwin (nearest US Army base having JAG defense counsels) to consult with and confide in, an honest-to-goodness JAG defense counsel. Had Johnson been granted access to legal counsel, Capt. Slease-ball would have been unable to carry-out his bullying, threatening and coercive tactics.
JAG would probably say that Johnson had legal counsel. This is laughable. One of he main reasons why Johnson wanted to talk to a real military defense counsel was because the lawyer which they assigned to him was a totally clueless civilian admin lawyer (who did not even maintain an active law license in any state, it turns out).
Further sleuthing disclosed that Johnson’s military assigned lawyer graduated from Alliant International University (and which no longer has a law school today). This so-called “law school” actually conducted its classes on an old cruise ship harbored in southern California. It changed its name four times and eventually was able to move “ashore.” These are the kind of civilian lawyers which the Army JAG Corps employs to defend people.
The military can break all the laws they want so the end justifies the means. MCC knows of a case where an active duty member was denied access to a lawyer on three occasions. He had entered into an attorney/client relationship with two of the three attorneys, but they he was denied all of them to act as Independent Military Counsel (IMC). The military ultimately dishonorably discharged the officer for fraternizing with an enlisted woman.
Whether it’s the Jim Johnson case, or dozens of similar cases, it’s clearly legal misconduct, malicious prosecution with probably a touch of unlawful command influence. And that’s what the JAG side of the military does best. The military first decides if they like you, and if they don’t, then they toss you over to the JAG cretins to be set up for the kill, all under the color-of-law.
Adding insult to injury, Captain Fitzgerald used his malicious prosecution persecution of Jim Johnson to tout as his “first success” on his annual officer efficiency report (OER). Instead of being excoriated for unlawful and malicious prosecution, Fitzgerald was able to convert his legal misconduct into a false representation of his legal abilities on his OER. It’s as much of an insult as forcing inmates in Leavenworth who once fought in the Middle East, to make silk-screened tee-shirts praising Allah.
Capt. Fitzgerald was able to twist and distort his involvement in the Jim Johnson prosecution on his work performance evaluations (AKA: Officer Efficiency Report). But Jim Johnson, not a man to suffer fools lightly, obtained an unredacted copy of Capt. Fitzgerald’s OER, which clearly is filled with lies and distortions. Captain Fitzgerald’s OER was carefully worded to make his involvement in the Johnson fiasco sound all legitimate and above board.
When Jim Johnson finally became aware of how his rights had been tossed out the window; he entrusted the entire matter to the Army JAG Corps in the hope that someone in the JAG office actually believed in the rule of law. His claims for financial loss were denied, but the denial made it obvious that the JAG Claims Office at Fort Meade, Maryland was equally as dishonest as they attempted to change the facts of the situation.
Jim Johnson asked the Army’s top lawyer, Lieutenant General Dana Chipman for some “leadership.” Once LTG Chipman received the complaint, Captain Fitzgerald’s previous boss (and close friend) was appointed to conduct an investigation. Talk about the fox guarding the hen house! Obviously, the investigation turned out to be a complete sham in favor of the military judicial system.
Instead of holding the lawyer accountable for malicious prosecution and ethical misconduct, the Army chose instead to protect the scum-bag lawyer and attack the victim. Jim Johnson was belittled, demeaned, and debased by the so-called “investigating” lawyer.
The investigating officer was given the task of doing what he could to mitigate and ignore the entire matter. To hell with justice and honor. The objective is always to protect the military legal system at all costs. Truth and justice isn’t always the American way.
Do we need to tell you what happened? No evidence of wrong doing by Capt. Fitzgerald was found. The entire investigation was a complete waste of time because the Army had no intention of conducting a credible investigation.
Hoping for just a sliver of justice, Johnson stayed on the case attempting to gather additional evidence. He filed relatively the exact same complaint with the Oregon State Bar where Captain Fitzgerald’s license is in force. In 1935, the Oregon Legislative Assembly created the Oregon State Bar as a public corporation to regulate, license, discipline, and support those practicing law.
Johnson, doing some exhaustive due diligence, discovered Captain “slease-ball” Fitzgerald had lied no less than ten times to the Oregon State Bar. The Oregon State Bar launched an investigation into the matter, but once they discovered Fitzgerald was on active duty and was resisting any cooperation with the investigation, they dropped the matter.
The Oregon State Bar acknowledged to Johnson, that the United States Army JAG Corps was protecting Captain Matthew Fitzgerald. Johnson painfully discovered the Army can arrogantly ignore violations of law and not cooperate with Oregon State Bar licensing authorities. Without the cooperation of the Army, Johnson was told by Oregon officials their hands were tied and nothing could be done to hold the ethically challenged Captain accountable.
No matter how egregious the offenses, the military can circle the wagons to protect one of their own. Few people in Hawaii have forgotten the 1931 Thalia Massie Affair where the Navy did their level best to cover-up a rape that ended up in race riots because of the clear abomination of law and justice.
Given the fact the evidence against Army Capt. Matthew Fitzgerald was so incredibly overwhelming, Jim Johnson attempted to sue in federal court. But alas, the federal courts long ago gave the military protection from being held accountable for criminal behavior. They call it the FERES DOCTRINE which we will cover in a future post.
Adding insult to injury, the Army arrogantly promoted Fitzgerald twice since this flagrant act occurred. Matthew Fitzgerald in now an Army Lieutenant Colonel. If he was not wearing an Army uniform, Fitzgerald would have been disbarred and would no longer be practicing law anywhere.
At some point, the Army will reward him again by giving him a military pension which is the final insult. Capt. Fitzgerald is proof anyone can go far in the military as long as you are part of the military swamp.
According to Fitzgerald’s profile on LinkedIn, he was a JAG chief prosecutor for over four years since this event occurred. We are betting he sent soldiers to Leavenworth prison for violations that were far less flagrant than Capt. “slease-ball” Fitzgerald probably has done throughout his career.
Lying to the feds is a crime punishable with time in prison, unless you are in the “protected” class. If you are an Army JAG officer, you receive a GET-OUT-OF-JAIL card.
In the military, the real criminals are promoted and continue on with their respective careers patting each other on the back. The victims never find any justice because that’s the way the system in designed. When the military picks the judges, juries, prosecutors, defense counsels and has their own little prison system…. WHAT CAN GO WRONG?
If a 3-star general in the Army thinks the criminal and unethical behavior of his officers is OK, then the whole damn organization is rotten to the core. As it is true in nature, it’s also true in the military, Fish always rot from the head down. And in the Army, what a stinking piece of fish it is.
For information about the Feres Doctrine that prevents our military members from holding people accountable for gross and wanton negligence, go to this FaceBook page.