UPDATE: As part of the “Smitty Chronicles” series, MilitaryCorruption.com exposed the plagiarism and ethically-challenged antics of Army Lt. General Aundre Piggee.
After our exposure of Cut-and-Paste Piggee, the military did what it usually does, they immediately began to circle the wagons, and told everyone to be quiet until their damage control teams could determine the extent of the problem.
It happens over and over again. When the military catches a junior officer or enlisted man/woman violating the UCMJ (Uniformed Code of Military Justice), they are crucified.
But, when military leaders are “notified” that one of their flag-ranking officers violated the law, or has a major problem with proper ethical behavior, they quietly do what they can to sneak him/her out the back door into retirement. Such is the case with Lieutenant General Andre Piggee.
Piggee plagiarized his master’s thesis at the Army’s “prestigious” War College. Then, when the whistle-blowers rise up to expose his misconduct, Piggee’s buddy, who happens to be the Army’s inspector general, (LTG “Koala Bear” Smith) runs interference for him and covers-up the matter until the Army can figure out a way to get Piggee into retirement with all his stars.
The problem of plagiarism at the Army’s war college is more widespread than we knew at first. The Army discovered they had a very big problem, because many of their officers had plagiarized their thesis papers from the Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. It’s called getting ahead the easy way.
The Army’s “prestigious” War College, in certain instances, became nothing more than a cottage industry routinely graduating charlatans who were pretending to have more knowledge or skill than they possessed. The Army’s War College was cranking out one deception-artist after another, masquerading as Army officers.
PAUSE: Our apology to those who attended the War College and did not plagiarize their thesis. We realize, of course, that not all the officers in the Army are liars and cheats. But too many are. Can you imagine how angry these officers are who did not use someone else’s work to graduate. They worked hard, burning the midnight oil and suffered through all the necessary research to submit an original writing, while others falsified their documents and got promoted anyway. We honor those who did it the right way and did not cheat.
Is the Army’s war college a “diploma mill” or a “degree mill?” The term “diploma mill” (in the civilian world) originally denotes an institution providing diplomas on a profit-making basis, like a factory. More broadly, it describes any institution that offers qualifications which are not accredited, nor based on proper academic assessment.
While the terms “degree mill” and “diploma mill” are commonly used interchangeably in the civilian world, within the academic community a distinction is sometimes drawn.
A “degree mill” issues diplomas from unaccredited institutions which may be legal in some states but are generally illegitimate, while a “diploma mill” issues counterfeit diplomas bearing the names of real universities.
Academic diplomas may be legitimately awarded without any study as a recognition of authority or experience. When given extraordinarily, such degrees are called honorary degrees or honoris causa degrees.
Also, in some universities, holders of a lower degree (such as a bachelor’s degree) may be routinely awarded honorary higher degrees (such as a master’s degree) without study. We wonder why the Army didn’t do this for Piggee, instead of making him go through all the trouble of cutting and pasting his master’s thesis?
The term “diploma mill” may also be used pejoratively to describe a legitimate institution with low academic admission standards and a low job placement rate, such as for-profit schools. But, wait a minute… the Army’s war college has a high job placement rate. Now we are confused!!!
Related practices are direct document forgery of certificates and corrupt buying of degrees from otherwise legitimate universities, although neither require a separate “mill.” While we do not believe his graduation documents were forged in the literal sense, they might as well have been. Either a forgery or a degree based on work that was stolen from someone else… it’s all the same.
Military schools could eliminate the problem of plagiarism overnight if they really wanted to. One of our readers wrote in… with regards to “Plagiarizing Piggee:” The War College could easily stop the plagiarizing if they really wanted to do so.
My daughters, all through high school and now college have been subjected to mandatory plagiarism checks. There are quite a few online programs available to the schools to check just about anything they want.
One daughter even got a minor ding because the plagiarizing checker found a paper she wrote, and said she failed to give proper attribution to herself! In other words, the anti-plagiarizing software even discovered something similar she had written previously.
All important “literary works” from military schools are entered into the archives at DTIC.mil. If an anti-plagiarizing software program cataloged those holdings, the problem of plagiarism by Army officers in the war college, for example, would pretty much be eliminated.
If an anti-plagiarism software checker discovers an officer taking credit for someone else’s work, will the military give him/her a pass as they did in Piggee’s case? Again, we still do not have any evidence that Lieutenant General Piggee’s name has been removed from the “wall of graduates” at the Army’s War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Will the lazy bastard be told to just rewrite the paper, and no one will be the wiser? Or, will the military convene a board and force the plagiarizer out of the military with an OTH… just like they have a habit to do, to enlisted and junior officers?
The specific violation of the UCMJ or lapse in ethical judgment is certainly important, but how the military unfairly levies punishment depending upon rank, is the bigger problem. Major Mac always said, “Different Spanks for Different Ranks” is the real problem.
Some service members are protected and promoted to lieutenant general, while others are punished with career damaging OER’s (officer efficiency reports), or literally drummed out of the service with an OTH (Other than Honorable) Discharge.
The Army’s War College is supposed to be providing graduate-level instruction to senior military officers and civilians to prepare them for senior leadership assignments and responsibilities. For people like LTG Piggee, The Army’s War College was not a school of higher learning, but rather a place to commit fraud in order to attain flag-rank.
Each year, a number of Army colonels and lieutenant colonels are considered by a board for admission. Approximately 800 students attend at any one time, half in a two-year-long distance learning program, and the other half in an on-campus, full-time resident program lasting ten months.
Upon completion, the college grants its graduates a master’s degree in Strategic Studies which goes into their file and is considered a big plus for promotion. Officers like LTG Piggee want the rank, they just don’t want to work for it.

The first thing that happened was the Inspector General of the Army, Lt. General “Koala Bear” Leslie C. Smith immediately went into cover-up mode for his good friend LTG Piggee. The Army’s War College began to realize just how deep the plagiarizing problem was.
When people graduate from the Army’s War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, their names are proudly displayed on plaques hanging outside the college as honored graduates.
One of our trusted sources said, “I can confirm that the US Army War College has quietly erased names off their plaques hanging outside the College for instances of plagiarism within the past few months. They do it early in the morning when everyone is asleep. But hey, at least they are pulling back degrees.”
The names being removed were mostly reserve colonels, not general officers who had plagiarized. Unfortunately, they haven’t acted on LTG Piggee yet, as far as we know.
Our confidential source said, “I can’t confirm what they are doing or why they haven’t scratched Piggee’s name off the wall. Probably they have been told not to. But several faculty know. It is not a secret anymore thanks to MilitaryCorruption.com.”

Our source said, “It looks like the US Army War College has been reading your articles. If you pull up LTG Piggee’s bio on the general officer website, he no longer shows that he earned a Master Degree or graduated from the War College. I am guessing they pulled his degree.
BIG Army is quietly letting LTG Piggee retire with all his stars. He is no longer working, and is in “transition” status like other generals who have gotten into some sort of trouble. It’s possible the Army wanted Piggee to reach his three-year time-in-grade for retirement purposes.
That is the same status that Major General Hurley was in (who you also reported about). Hurley ended up retiring with one star. Thanks for keeping them honest.”
Folks, the United States military continues to punish junior officers and NCOs, while that same military does everything it can to quietly usher flag-ranking officers into retirement to avoid any accountability. If the Army Times says anything about his retirement it’s buried on the last page somewhere.
Makes one wonder how many service members were disciplined for fraud or conduct unbecoming an officer… by Captain Piggee, Major Piggee, Lt. Col. Piggee, Colonel Piggee, Brigadier General Piggee, Major General Piggee and Lieutenant General Piggee?
For every soldier disciplined by Piggee involving charges or ethical behavior similar in nature to his plagiarism, Piggee should lose one rank prior to entering retirement. But, would doing that rise to an acceptable lever of parity?
Since lower ranking service personnel may have had their careers destroyed by Aundre Piggee over similar behavior, if the Army had an equitable system of justice, maybe Lieutenant General Piggee shouldn’t retire at all. Demanding a sense of honor from flag-ranking officers is just too much to hope for from the upper echelons of the United States Army.
The next time you see a flag-ranking military officer (admiral or general), think to yourself, “I wonder if the general attained that rank by stealing someone else’s work? I wonder if the military knew about it, and just looked the other way? I wonder if the general (or admiral) can really be trusted?”
This multi-tiered judicial system is OK with us as long as they send workers to add some extra wording on the fascia of the Supreme Court. Instead of just, “EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW” — It needs to read, “EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW, EXCEPT FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL AND POOR PEOPLE”
If a young man or woman reads that inscription, then decided to enlist or be commissioned into the military, we can always say, “We told you so.”
To all young men and women considering service to America in the armed forces, we say… DO NOT GO IN THE MILITARY UNTIL REAL REFORMS ARE MADE.