We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within – Nikita Khrushchev
Khrushchev went on to say, “You Americans are so gullible. No you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands. “
MilitaryCorruption.com receives many emails from military personnel and their dependents located throughout the world. The stories vary, but we do receive many communiques from people categorized as “whistleblowers.”
In the ears of some people, the term “whistleblower” translates to being a “tattletale,” which when we were children we were taught to avoid and look down on those who tattletale on others.
Other people view the whistleblower as like a referee who wears the stripe shirt of authority. When he/she sees wrong doing, they blow the whistle keeping all the players honest.
It goes without saying the Pentagon loathes the whistleblowers because it makes the admirals and generals look bad. Flag-ranking officers don’t like anyone trying to rain on their parade. As a kneejerk reaction, general officers do everything they can to identify and destroy all whistleblowers.
This explains the billions of dollars the military cannot account for in the past seven audits. Because the military has their own little judicial system they can manipulate for a desire result, many military whistleblowers have had their lives ruined. Several have, and are serving time in the military prison located at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.
Knowing how the military retaliates against their whistleblowers, MilitaryCorruption.com goes to great lengths to protect the identity of the people who reach out to us. As we speak, the United States Army is attempting to obtain our email traffic in another case.
It came a quite a shock when Retired Lieutenant Colonel Rick Lamberth contacted us about the Pentagon malfeasance he witnessed. It’s basically a story about DoD DEI managers retaliating against whistleblowers for attempting to expose contracting fraud in the Pentagon.
Oh no, say it ain’t so… contracting fraud in the Pentagon. It’s not like we haven’t heard about fraud by the Pentagon before.
LTC Lamberth decided to stand up and fight and wrote us a very interesting letter. He said the following…
After 43+years within the Department of Defense (DoD) and having served as a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) for approximately 20+years, the levels of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement even at the highest levels is outrageous and beyond description.
For over a decade, I have served in the DoD as an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Job Series Classification of NH-0343, Management and Program Analysis Series government employee.
I was ordered to extort funds from a DoD contractor, the RAND National Defense Research Institute (NDRI), by Karan Williams my immediate supervisor at the time, I refused and reported the incident to my first-line manager, Clothilda Taylor, SES, the DBO within the OUSD (A&S).
After reporting the incident, Karan Williams refused to appoint me as COR over the RAND NDRI contract. I was directly hired for that duty position. As you can imagine, the relentless harassment and retaliation began.
Karan Williams told me that she would never have hired me and especially not as a GS-15. She said the only reason that I was hired was due to my strong credentials. That’s code speak for: not being a DEI hire, but hired on my knowledge, skills and ability.
The verbal assaults and gaslighting from Williams and Taylor were only beginning of what became a very toxic work environment.
I had been a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) over $1B Task Orders / Statements of Work on the Halliburton contract in Southwest Asia (SWA) while serving on active duty. Now, I was a civil service employee in the Pentagon doing the exact same thing.
Bottom line, I was very good at what I did.
Army in SWA as a COR, I saw several people accepting bribes. Some ended up in prison. DoD Integrity / Ethics Training and the obvious deterrent of prison aside from my own personal integrity, motivated me to never accept a bribe; nor tolerate those that do.
Karan Williams blatantly discriminated and retaliated against me. Also, a lead contractor with several years historical institutional knowledge confirmed that Karan Williams hates white people, especially white veterans.
To put it bluntly, Karan Williams is a devout racist. I was slowly beginning to realize that a large percentage of the Pentagon had a distain for military veterans. They did nothing to accommodate or appreciate the talent veteran can bring to the table.
Williams mocked my 100% disability status, and out of spite refused me a handicapped parking pass. Coworkers within the contracting division confirmed what the lead contractor conveyed to me. Believe it or not, as a veteran you are just not welcomed at the Pentagon. How crazy is that?
The lead contractor put me in contact with three predecessors who held the same job I was doing. They all three said that Karan Williams had intimidated and harassed each of them until they finally had to quit to reduce their stress levels.
Oh, and another tidbit… all three of my predecessors were Caucasian.
All of my predecessors confirmed what the lead contractor told me in confidence due to a fear of reprisal / retaliation from Karan Williams and Clothilda Taylor.
I was ordered into a room with Karan Williams and an office employee. She yelled that my work was subpar (although I had no computer or assignments). She wrote me up placing the reprimand in her office folder.
Williams did this four times within a month, and I had only been there three months. Unfortunately, I had an accident on the escalator in that period of time and broke my ankle needing surgery forcing me to claim worker compensation.
Karan Williams and Clothilda Taylor have unjustifiably denied me Worker’s Compensation related to escalator accident in the Pentagon during duty hours.
After slipping and falling on the ankle that I broke in my last deployment to Iraq, I severely sprained it and the Orthopedic Surgeon’s MRI told him that I almost broke the same weakened ankle, again.
The Orthopedic Surgeon stated that I must have reconstructive surgery on that same ankle, again. Williams and/or Taylor declined to approve my Department of Labor’s Office of Worker’s Compensation claim.
Williams and/or Taylor took their harassment to a higher level by contacting my doctor’s office saying I was faking my injury. They wrote to the Workers Compensation Board and told them to deny my claim.
My ankle is still broken and I’m still in pain and struggling to get healed up. This added stress imposed by the Williams/Taylor tag team isn’t helping matters.
Repeatedly, Karan Williams and or Clothilda Taylor refused to approve any schools or executive training for me; even though I am a graduate of the U.S. Army’s Command & General Staff College and have three master’s degrees in addition to several Defense Acquisition University (DAU) certifications.
Upon my return to duty from being out on Worker’s Compensation from weeks of physical therapy, Williams told Taylor that she did not want me back in her contracting division, what we refer to as the “contracting cell.”
Clothilda Taylor unilaterally transferred me to an OPM Job Series Classification. During my 43+ year career at in the DoD, I have never had training for that job. Clothilda Taylor forced me to a NH-0080-04, Security Administration Series in her Security Directorate.
It was a set up. They wanted me to fail.
I protested and even filed a DoD Inspector General (IG) report but to no avail. I’m guessing that if I were a minority the DoD IG would have launched an investigation.
Clothilda Taylor, SES, unilaterally / mandatorily transferred me to her Security & Facilities Directorate. My protests were ignored. Taylor manages and rates the Security & Facilities government employees.
Taylor and her subordinates have continuously refused to honor my requests for Reasonable Accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This has been going on for 31+ consecutive months.
Taylor and her staff have known for 31+ consecutive months that I am a 100% Disabled Vet, but they frankly didn’t care.
Taylor’s Security Administration Supervisor, aggravated the situation by awarding me my 1st and only unsuccessful Annual Performance Review (APR) out of my entire 43+ year career within the DoD!
I believe the supervisor retaliated against me to ingratiate himself with his boss (Taylor).
The poor APR I received could also be related to my rebuked of his repeated sexual advances towards me. I reported this sexual harassment, but Clothilda Taylor decided not to investigate which it was her duty to do.
Every story has two sides and we would love to publish the Taylor/Williams version of events. Honestly, MilitaryCorruption.com normally does not get involved office squabbles or personality clashes, but bribery and fraud is different matter entirely.
If anyone in the Pentagon has a story to share, you can either send it to Mr. Elon Musk, or better yet, send in your story to MilitaryCorruption.com. All we want to do is to run things right and embrace a merit based promotion ladder so only the competent are promoted up the chain of command.
It’s terribly disheartening to hear that veterans are not welcomed even in the Pentagon. That’s a warning sign right there.
As a side note… President Ronald Reagan had the Dept. of Defense set up the infamous “Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline.” As a young naval aviator, I still remember that every installation and ship in the military had to post a similar poster as the one depicted above.
What people did not know is the entire program was a ploy to locate and destroy military whistleblowers. Thousands of military members were railroaded out of the service or into prison after calling the so-called “Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline” number.
And, after the “hotline” was established 44 years ago, not one person has been investigated, charged or convicted even though the hotline received literally millions of phone calls over four decades.
The joke was on those poor bastards who placed trust in their military commanders in the Pentagon to do the right thing. But, when the fox is guarding the hen house, hens are murdered and everyone seems surprised. Well, it’s no surprise to us.
Today, as a Christmas gift, LTC Lamberth was notified he was being fired from his position at the Pentagon. We were waiting to publish this story to see if his supervisors were going to deliver the final coup de grâce. True to form, they did just as we suspected.
At this point, the Pentagon may be too far gone to fix. The cancerous DEI B.S. may have consumed the military body. Sure, you can get lawyers out there to try to bring some common sense back, but with all the corrupt judges preventing the dismissal of poor leadership, the task may be insurmountable.
One must have the power to hire and fire in order to correct the situation that’s gone off the rails. We are told it takes an Act of Congress to fire any GS-15+ employee. Wherein lies the problem.
We pray the Trump “train” gets to her destination before saboteurs rip up the tracks down the line. You just know they are “setting explosives” right now. That outlandish monstrosity, the 1,547 page CR Bill was proof they are blowing up the tracks.
If anyone referred to in this article (especially Clothilda Taylor or Karan Williams) feels they have been wrongfully characterized or maligned in any way whatsoever, we want to hear from you. We have no interest in publishing anything untruthful or misleading.
If you have a different version of the story, please send it to us immediately for equal time.
Our mission has been clear from the beginning, we only want to “Fight for the Truth and Expose the Corrupt.” We do this in the hope that we can fix what is broken.
Frequently, truth is elusive. We do our best to vet people, but we don’t have the badges, guns and subpoena power the military has to find the truth.
Sadly, the military tends to use their police power to suppress the truth in order to deceive Congress and the American people. The Pentagon doesn’t even know how many military members are serving in Syria. What kind of leadership is that?
We therefore, rely on our readers to contact us to set the record straight. With your help, we can find the truth and make our military strong and credible. We believe in “Peace Through Strength,” but we only get our strength from our integrity.
If you are on active duty in the United States military and desire to blow the whistle on malfeasance, we caution you. It’s highly recommended that you to first get out of the service before you become a whistleblower.
Use your time in the service to gather evidence of the corruption you wish to report. Evidence could be photos, documents, video, etc.
Remember, the entire military judicial system is designed to favor the government. Brass hats will not hesitate to manipulate the judicial system they control to neutralize and ruin you.
If you have not broken any law or regulation, they tend to fall back on their administrative powers which Congress handed to them in order to destroy you. If you are smart, you will be quiet as a church mouse while on active duty, then contact us the moment you have received your DD-214.
That’s right, we are telling you the smart play is to go-along-to-get-along until you are completely separated from the service.
If you feel the corruption is so severe and needs to be addressed immediately, we are listening and guarantee confidentiality. But for God sakes, don’t give us any information that can lead back to you. We know from decades of experience just how vindictive the military can get.
Keep the faith and know that we are doing our best to protect our military members who just want the system to work correctly.