Previous Article: https://militarycorruption.com/rick-lamberth/
Last Friday (10JAN25), Lieutenant Colonel Rick Lamberth attended an EEOC meeting at the Pentagon. For those who don’t know the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a federal agency that was established via the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to administer and enforce civil rights laws against workplace discrimination.
EEOC investigates discrimination complaints based on an individual’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including sexual orientation, pregnancy, and gender identity), age, disability, genetic information, and retaliation for participating in a discrimination complaint proceeding and/or opposing a discriminatory practice.
The commission also mediates and settles thousands of discrimination complaints each year prior to their investigation. The EEOC is also empowered to file civil discrimination suits against employers on behalf of alleged victims. The Commission cannot adjudicate claims or impose administrative sanctions.
Since 2021, the chair of the EEOC is Charlotte Burrows.
It’s suspected that someone potentially from Congress directed a new mediator for LTC Lamberth’s EEOC hearing that has both VA and Congressional experience. This was a last minute substitute who probably had marching orders to quash any reasonable resolution to the dispute LTC Lamberth was having with his supervisors at the Pentagon.
LTC Lamberth was told that he could either resign or be terminated, his choice.

Karan Williams, GS-15, allowed to retire on or about 31 May 2024, after, according to LTC Lamberth discriminating, retaliating, and ordering Lieutenant Colonel Lambeth to help her extort funds from a DoD contractor in the Pentagon.
DEI SES still allowed to discriminate and retaliate against non-minority Whistleblowers of contracting fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement such as LTC Rick Lamberth, USA(Ret.) / GS-15. Management is afraid to do the right thing; yet espouses taking care of DoD personnel!
Definition: “Senior Executive Service” (SES) is a civil service classification in the United States federal government.
LTC Rick Lamberth, had retired from the Army then went back to work at the Pentagon as a civil service employee. at the Program Manager at DoD OSD OUSD(A&S) DBO Contracts.
On the 24th of April 2024, Lamberth was promoted to a GS-15, Program Analyst, NH-0343-04 and assigned to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Sustainment) OUSD(A&S) the Director of Business Operations (DBO) Contracts Directorate working for Karan Williams, the Director of Contracts for the DBO.
His duties were to be serving as a Contracting Officer’s Representative (C.O.R.) over one of two DoD Contracts that Karan Williams was the Director of for the DBO. For over 24 years, Lamberth had been trained and served as a C.O.R. on government contracts within the DoD either in the U.S. Army or as a DoD Civilian.
It was not uncommon for example, for Lamberth to have signed a Critical Acquisition Position (C.A.P.) Service Agreement with a start date of 04/24/2022, and a tenure ending period date of 04/24/2025.
The C.A.P. is required under the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) is still in force and does not expire until 24 April 2025, which the OUSD(A&S) DBO is in violation of.
DoD CIVILIAN CAREER BRIEF for Lieutenant Colonel Rick Lamberth:
License/Certification Acquisition Workforce Position / Date
(Historical) AWCP Program Management Level 3 14-Nov-17
(Historical) AWCP Acquisition Logistics Level 2 14-Aug-15
Professional Life Cycle Logistics Certification – Level 2 23-Jul-14
(Historical) AWCP Production, Quality and Manufacturing Level 2 28-Mar-13
Annual Performance Rating / Date
OUTSTANDING …………..01-Apr-21
Missing ……………………….01-Jun-23
Unacceptable ……………….01-Jun-24

On 18 May 2022, Lamberth had enough. He decided to blow the whistle to Clothilda Taylor, SES, about Karan Williams’ illegal contracting order for Lamberth to assist her in extorting funds from a DoD contractor.
Like Frank Serpico did in 1967, LTC Lamberth said NO, I won’t become a party to fraud.
Clothilda Taylor decided that Lamberth was the problem, not Karan Williams. She refused to investigate.
This forced Lamberth to file a DoD IG complaint and complaints with other agencies on other Federal employment laws that she and Karan Williams violated against Lamberth as discrimination, retaliation, and harassment in the workplace.
We won’t even mention the illegal shakedown of a DoD contractor, AKA: Contracting Fraud.
Here’s a declaration from Karan Williams before her retirement (Report Of Investigation):
Q: Did you report to your chain of command and/or another Agency official? If so, when (i.e., approximate date/timeframe), to whom, and what was his/her response?
A: Yes, Mrs. Clothilda Taylor, SES, Executive Director, Directorate of Business Operations (DBO) several times between May and July 12, 2022.
According to LTC Rick Lamberth, Clothilda Taylor, SES unilaterally assigned Lamberth to the Security and Facilities Directorate within Business Operations on Monday, 31 July 2023, in order to continue to cover up for her and Karan Williams attempted extortion of a DoD contractor.
One gets the feeling that Clothilda Taylor may have embarked on a similar shakedown of other DoD contractors. There’s no doubt that billions are wasted every year through Contracting Fraud in the Pentagon.
Lamberth had previously asked to be reassigned to another acquisition position, or Karan Williams’ old position that sat vacant for five months.
Clothilda Taylor refused Lamberth’s request and hired another female from the outside. Taylor forced Lamberth to work as a Security Specialist that he was not trained, qualified for. Being a good “soldier” however, Lamberth complied.
Clothilda Taylor, SES assigned Lamberth to Mr. Scotty Altizer; then to Mr. Owen “OJ” Simpson to be his manager who has no experience as a manager and also has apparently continued the retaliation against Lamberth creating a toxic working environment.
Clothilda Taylor is suspected of illegally, and in breach of Lamberth’s contract, handed him over to OJ Simpson despite his letters to her about the sexual harassment Lamberth was being subjected to.
It’s one thing to be force to deal with incompetent management, but it’s entirely another matter when your supervisor wants a kiss from you.
OJ Simpson, his new supervisor in Security & Facilities, “awarded” Lambert his first and only “Unsuccessful Annual Performance Review” out of Lamberth’s entire forty-three (43) DoD year career! It was a bitter pill to swallow and DoD managers knew it. They were hoping Lamberth would quit.
OJ Simpson is believed to have committed unlawful acts when Lamberth rebuked his repeated sexual advances. It was retaliation pure and simple.
Lamberth rebuked the sexual harassment, and once again, Clothilda Taylor decided not to investigate or assist Lamberth which it was her duty to do.
After Lamberth filed an official complaint of Sexual Harassment, OJ Simpson wrote a Letter of Reference (LOR) in order to assist Lamberth in leaving his directorate. They were doing all they could to “encourage” Lamberth to become so disgusted, that he would just not show up for work one day.
If those pressure tactics didn’t work, his supervisors had plans to do a full frontal assault and terminate his employment at the Pentagon.
03 Sep 2024
SUBJECT: Letter of Reference
He has been a Program Analyst, job series 0343, since being hired into this position on 24APR22. His current position is in the Department of Defense Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project, and he is in the NH-IV pay band. His current pay is equivalent to that of a General Schedule Grade 15, Step Two. Our office wishes him the best in his career aspirations.
Deputy Director, Security and Facilities
Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition and Sustainment
LTC Rick Lamberth asserted the following seven points regarding what he views as chronic violations by Mrs. Clothilda Taylor and DoD management:
- Denial of repeated, for my requests for Reasonable Accommodations IAW the ADA have been denied by Management.
- Unilaterally transferred to a NH-0080-04, security analyst job without my permission or consent as a decades long NH-0343-04, Program Analyst with a PM Level 3 certification.
- Given leeway for Mr. OJ Simpson to trade my SF-50 as a NH-0343-04 for approximately 30 years prior with high appraisal marks for success to a SF-50 as a security analyst, NH-0080-04 without my permission or OPM’s permission and placed in my permanent file (eOPF). This erases all my awards for excellence, my career successes, my high appraisals, and places me in the position of not being able to get another job within the DoD.
- I have been denied for at least 5 positions because of these actions from OJ Simpson and Management.
- I have been given an unsuccessful appraisal by Mr. OJ Simpson after I complained of sexual harassment from him.
- I have asked numerous times to be transferred into another Program Management / Acquisition position away from him as he makes me uncomfortable. Repeatedly, Mrs. Clothilda Taylor refused my requests to be moved from this sexual predator.
- Mr. OJ Simpson refuses to let me go from his security job placement of me without the permission and Mrs. Clothilda Taylor has let him break the law with the help of the H.R. dept in changing my SF-50, electronic official personnel files, refusal of ADA accommodations and job transfer.
Mr. Simpson has demanded that LTC Lamberth complete his appraisal goals for becoming a security analyst person for which he has no experience in security.
Lamberth is a Program Manager (PM Level 3), Logistician (LCL Level 2), Acquisition (ACQ Level 2), and a Production / Quality / Manufacturing (PQM Level 2)
and became that in combat serving with the Army for 32 years.
Lamberth asserts that at a minimum, this was age discrimination and disability discrimination due to his being a 100% Disabled American Veteran.
By demanding that Lamberth write his goals for a security position that he has no experience in was wrong. Lamberth wasn’t refusing to cooperate, but rather such action would be in direct breach of his three-year contract.
This demand came immediately after Lamberth told him he could only do goals for his NH-0343-04 job series classification. Immediately afterward, Mr. OJ Simpson caused Lamberth’s personnel file to reflect a change of position to the security job without his knowledge or consent.
If OJ Simpson is allowed to illegally breach Lamberth’s contract and do an evaluation on him in this new security position, then he was attempting to fail Lamberth for the second consecutive annual performance review. It was an obvious set up leading to a dismissal.
Simpson could not evaluate Lamberth because he had Lamberth doing no work. Mr. OJ Simpson and Mrs. Clothilda Taylor, who remain silent on these actions, were trying to fire LTC Lamberth before his litigation is fully adjudicated.
LTC Lamberth asked for an immediate transfer away from Mr. OJ Simpson and his unit. He wanted the ability to work in another Program Management, Acquisition, Logistics, or PQM 3 position without having to have to consent to bullying and sexual harassment demands.
The solution was simple, allow Lamberth to go into another PM position. Clothilda Taylor had told Lamberth this was temporary assignment. Some surreptitiously entered documents into his personnel file without his knowledge or consent.
Do they need his consent? One would think so, especially if his ethically challenged supervisors were entering in bogus documents filled with lies and deceit. When the time came for them to stab Lamberth in the back, they would bring forth his personnel file to administratively deliver the coup de grâce.
Lieutenant Colonel Lamberth was being secretly set up for removal. They didn’t like him. He wasn’t a “team player.” He would not become a party to contract fraud which made all those who were lining their pockets extremely nervous.
Lamberth discovered in his DoD Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) that OJ Simpson & Management fabricated and uploaded a new Civilian Career Brief dated 09Dec24.
OJ Simpson / Management changed Lamberth’s Position Series and Title from NH-0343-04, Program Analyst; to NH-0080-04, Security Specialist. Lamberth stated, “they fabricated this for the second consecutive year.”
All of his previous years are displayed as a NH-0343-04, Program Analyst; ALL of Lamberth’s previous Annual Performance Ratings (APRs) are Fully Successful or Outstanding! All, except for this past year’s invalid rating which was his one and only Unacceptable annual performance rating.
All of his Professional Licenses/Certification (listed) were for Program Management, Acquisition, Logistics, Manufacturing; NONE were for Security!
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Lamberth has been subjected to discrimination, retaliation, harassment, and violations of other federal laws. But, Lamberth did a very wise thing by hiring a lawyer to represent him in this tangled web of Pentagon deceit.
The arrogant supervisors in the Pentagon frankly don’t care if he sues or not. Instead, they issued Lamberth with a “Notice of Proposed Removal.”
December 20, 2024
SUBJECT: Notice of Proposed Removal
This is notice that I am proposing to remove you from your position of Security Specialist, NH-IV, with the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for your Third Offense of Misconduct – Failure to Follow Instructions. This proposed action is to be affected no earlier than thirty (30) calendar days after the date you receive this notice.
Deputy Director, Security and Facilities
Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition and Sustainment
The Pentagon has to have the power to remove people they feel are not adequately doing the job they have been assigned to.
But the question arises, what’s the real reason Pentagon officials orchestrated the removal of LTC Rick Lamberth? Was it because he’s a white man? Or, is it because he’s a man?
More likely, he was fired because Lieutenant Colonel Rick Lamberth refused to become a party to the Pentagon’s ingrained and tolerated contracting fraud schemes?
The most popular fraud on the taxpayers is the pay-to-play, or in simpler terms a kickback for the big guy or gal.
The fraud is so common place, such an accepted way of doing business, that anyone who becomes a potential threat is earmarked for removal.
Sure, entities like the Pentagon get rid of people they don’t like, but no entity, government or private, should be allowed to illegally and unethically enter bogus information into an employee’s file or doing any number of other clandestine, wrongful acts to set an employee up for dismissal.
How many others have been kicked to the curb in a similar manner?
In the old days, someone would plant drugs in the whistleblower’s car, then allegedly receive an anonymous tip to search his auto on his way home one day.
There needs to be a full exposure of the truth either in a federal court of law, or by a “serious” DODIG office.
We always tell people, the only way you will have a chance to expose the truth is to file a federal law suit which diminishes the ability of the DoD to twist and distort the truth. An unbiased federal lawsuit may also expose the tactics the military uses on people they label as “undesirable.”
The other problem is that Washington D.C., judges frequently attend the same parties as do the generals. Sometimes they become buddies. This means true justice is placed out of reach of anyone seeking redress. The court system becomes compromised.
Villains are protected, while whistleblowers are left with nothing but financial and emotional wounds for attempting to fight the evil that flourishes behind the walls of the Pentagon. It means that truth and justice is sadly, not the American way.
A truly outstanding former military officer, now a 100% disabled veteran like Rick J. Lamberth deserved a whole lot better than he got.

If anyone feels they have been treated unfairly or maligned in this or any other article we’ve written, contact us at once. We are glad to publish your side of the story. Don’t embellish, just provide the truth and nothing but the truth.
MilitaryCorruption.com will continue to Fight for the Truth and Expose the Corrupt. With your help, we may be able to Fix What is Broken in America’s military and the Veterans Administration.