Aaron Battleman's Love Boat? Quiz: How many generals are depicted in this picture? Difficult to say when they're not wearing their stars on their epaulets. The Navy says, "Join the Navy and See the World." The Army says, "Join the Army and do your neighbor's wife." If you get caught, don't worry, the owner of the boat is Supervisory Special Agent of CID at Ft. Myer. He'll make sure there's never an investigation. (*more about the photo below)

Our numerous articles about the Jane Doe case have exposed the seedy underbelly of the military, in this case, the United States Army & Air Force.

The Official Seal of National Guard Bureau in Washington D. C., which has now become known as the Sodom and Gomorrah of the Western World.

We apologize up front to the good and dedicated military officers who have sworn an oath to protect us.

Back in the day, every member of Military Corruption’s staff, took that same oath when we served on active duty.

Current and former members of the Air Force, Army and National Guard Bureau will probably become angry or disgusted after reading VOLUME XXX.

You could choose to be angry with us for they way we expose the quagmire of corruption. Or, you could choose to be angry with the military for failing to uphold the basic tenants of honor and decency.

Either way, we understand.

Service members frequently find themselves in a corner, where you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

We understand the untenable predicaments that ensnare military officers in our new WOKE military.

Hang in there, good times may be just around the corner.


National Guard Captain, Jose Moreno displayed on a recruiting poster.

The story of Jane Doe, first battling the Air Force, then taking on the Army, stands as a testament to how far our military has descended down the toilet. The military has (thus far) skillfully kept their disturbing behavior out of the media.

Not one officer in either the Air Force or the Army stood up and said…

“Now that’s enough! We should not be treating people this way. Every single officer who have violated the UCMJ shall be flagged and investigated forthwith. And, if CID conducts sham investigations, we will clean house over there as well.”

We hear readers mumbling, “Boy, are these people at MilitaryCorruption.com naive, or what?” Nobody needs to tell us that corruption in our military is ingrained. It’s baked into the system.

While we expect this type of deplorable leadership from the Navy, it turns out that virtually all branches of the military have skeletons in the closet and demons they’re not confronting.

There’s no excuse why Jane Doe and so many others, have been subjected to pitiful leadership from ethically-twisted admirals and generals. Not all are bad, but too many are.

Flag-ranking officers who are honorable and decent, know all about those who are not. Unfortunately, they remain silent, going along to get along to protect their own asses and their own careers.

Their cowering indifference enables tyrants and allows service members to be railroaded into prison and out of the service, all because they covet another star on their collar.

Destroying people is a blood sport for the admirals and generals who enjoy a perverse pleasure in wielding the power to annihilate those they perceive as the “enemy.” It’s especially sweet for them knowing that thanks to Congress, they are truly above the law and will never be held accountable.

Failure to confront malicious manipulations of the military judicial system is at the core of the problem. The so-called “good” flag-ranking officers who don’t lie, cheat or steal, are still part of the crime because they tolerate those who do.

“The world is a dangerous place to live — not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” — Albert Einstein (thank you James Howard Kunstler for reminding us)

Admirals and generals that do not object to misconduct within their own ranks, enable a cancer of illicit complacency to metastasize and infecting all corners of the Pentagon, which must receive heavy doses of chemotherapy in the form of mass firings and several court martials.


“Jane Doe” is a natural born leader who graduated from one of America’s top universities and became an officer in the United States Air Force.

Not only was Jane Doe smart, she was also very photogenic. She was asked to become a spokes model for the military’s recruiting effort, and for other programs the military wanted their members to know about, like crisis prevention.

Everything was going well, until she discovered that insecure, jealous, backstabbing Air Force officers were doing all they could to undermine her career and disrupt her life.

Add those problems to the fact the Air Force flagrantly violated the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA laws), which Jane Doe discovered and blew the whistle on. That’s what the Air Force was pissed about.

Her command tried to cover it all up. When that didn’t work, they decided the next best thing was trump up bogus charges against Jane Doe to ultimately rid themselves of her prying eyes.

The United States Air Force had the audacity to accuse Jane Doe of “faking a pregnancy.”

Even though she had proof of the pregnancy, the Air Force ignored exculpatory information and tossed her out of the service. Her fight against the Air Force continues.

It was pregnancy discrimination of the highest order. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) should have been defending her, but they all ran away with tail between their legs.


To this very day and most ironically, the military continues using her image for recruiting and crisis-prevention posters all over the globe. When Jane Doe had a crisis in her own family situation, they all turned a blind eye and a deaf ear.

During a promotional shoot she met National Guard Captain Jose Luis Moreno. He was, at that time, Puerto Rican and she was an even better looking young African-American woman. A relationship blossomed, but Moreno couldn’t stop his philandering ways. His brains were in his dick.

While she was pregnant with his child, Moreno had sex with virtually anything and everything that walked the earth. It didn’t matter if they were enlisted, married, rich, poor, beautiful or not… Moreno would “dip his wick,” then boast about his conquests on text messages with fellow Army officers.

National Guard Captain Jose Moreno on a recruiting poster in the main entrance of the National Guard Bureau in Washington D.C.

Jane Doe ultimately delivered a healthy baby boy but Moreno had a problem with the child. He apparently wasn’t very happy about the fact his son looked more black than Puerto Rican.

Text messages to fellow Army officers and statements made to Jane Doe made it clear that Moreno and his friends are racist sons-of-bitches.

But, that wasn’t the worst of it, however. While Jane Doe was at work, Moreno would pummel his one-year-old child and abuse the family pets, both dog and cats.

Jane Doe and medical professionals she consulted with believe the beatings the little boy sustained resulted in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which were diagnosed as developmental delays in the little boy.

Jane Doe’s beautiful little boy was stricken with severe headaches that kept him awake many nights. When he was enrolled in school, it was obvious he was falling way behind.

The little boy’s entire life has been detrimentally altered from the severe beatings he received all because he looked more black than Puerto Rican.

The worst of it, is knowing the senior leadership of the Army and Air Force didn’t give a tinker’s damn about the beatings the child received from an active duty military officer.

The Army had a duty to protect the mother and child because it was an Army National Guard officer committing the horrific child abuse.

The Air Force also had a duty to protect the mother and child because she was still an Air Force officer.

Congress had a duty to protect the mother and child because the admirals and generals lied to Congress saying they were taking steps to deal with the rising numbers of sexual assaults, domestic violence and child abuse cases.

Even with graphic video evidence of Moreno smacking down his son, the Army and Air Force chose to remain silent and did nothing.

The Pentagon was OK with these terrible instances of domestic violence, because nobody did anything. Their failure to intervene meant they condoned the assaults on a woman and her child.


We bring up Jonathan Majors, a well-known talented black actor signed a major contract for recruiting ads for the military. When is girlfriend accused him of assaulting her, the Army cancelled his multi-million dollar ad-campaign contract.

When the Army attacked Jonathan Majors, he lost his other contracts and his entire professional life crashed and burned.

The Army dropped his contract after he was arrested, then Marvel and other agencies pulled their contracts. Jonathan Majors played LOKI at Marvel studios for Walt Disney Corporation.

It used to be that people were to be considered as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Unfortunately, the military didn’t get that Constitutional memo and severed their contract with Jonathan Majors after he was arrested.

The military didn’t care to wait until he was convicted. A mere arrest was enough for them to destroy the livelihood of this talented actor.

The Army had a careless kneejerk reaction against this remarkably talented black actor, but refused to even slap CPT Moreno on the wrist for the heinous crimes he was committing against Jane Doe and his own son. Was it a racial thing by the DOD, or is it just stupid military policy?


All Army officers who knew of the heinous crimes against Jane Doe and did nothing to intervene for the child’s protection have violated the UCMJ. A charge of “dereliction of duty” comes to mind.

Jane Doe suspected something bad was going on and captured Jose on hidden video cameras assaulting his own son. Why did Moreno hit the child and laugh about it?

Was it a sadistic desire to hurt a defenseless child, or because the one-year-old looked more black than Puerto Rican?

For a period of time, Jane Doe did not know about the beatings her son was receiving until she set up cameras. She caught CPT Moreno slapping their son which made her sick to her stomach.

These physical assaults the child sustained will affect him for the rest of his life. What part about that didn’t the Army understand?

Arguments between Moreno and Jane Doe became violent. Moreno choked Jane Doe until she passed out and dragged her limp body into the bathroom. When she regained consciousness on the bathroom floor, she realized this was all spiraling out of control. Frightened and scared she really didn’t know where to turn.

Jane Doe first sought help from Army Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Tim McCormic who, you guessed it, did absolutely nothing. Turns out he didn’t like black people either. By his lack of action, he also condoned Captain Moreno’s assaults on a one-year-old child.

Jane Doe went to several other people in the Army and National Guard Bureau to get protection from the highly abusive and increasingly unstable Captain Moreno.

Jane Doe sought help from Moreno’s battalion commander (LTC Colleen Shepherd) and filed eight (8) complaints with the DOD IG office.

None of them did anything. Whoops, we take that back; Shepherd drafted a 14-page deceptive Memorandum For Record (MFR) to explain away her failure to help Jane Doe.

While all this was going on in the Army, the Air Force launched an attack to remove her from the military. She was fighting a war on two fronts while trying to raise three children alone. Life was very hard for Jane Doe.


Thanks to Captain Moreno, his son is in a special-needs class. He suffers terribly from all sorts of maladies associated with the beating(s) Moreno gave the child. This includes, but is not limited to, severe headaches that bring him to tears on many nights.

With damning video evidence in hand, Jane Doe went to virtually every department and agency in the Army to get help, but they all turned their backs on her and her children. SA Shaw from CID notified the Air Force that one of their officers (Jane Doe) had reported assaults. Point is, the Air Force knew also.

While we do not have the video, there is video evidence of Moreno sexually assaulting Jane Doe’s teenage daughter which the Army isn’t talking about and doing all they can to coverup.

Jane Doe reported the abuse to: eight (8) DOD IG offices, two battalion commanders, a multitude of lawyers from MDW. Both the Secretary of the Army and Secretary of Defense were also made aware of her nightmarish situation. Virtually everyone except a brave FAP office looked the other way and did nothing.

The video above shows decision day when Jane Doe told CPT Moreno she was going to report him for his assault on a one-year-old baby.

Jane Doe comes to the harsh realization that CPT Moreno is never going to change and decides she has to take action to protect her children, not to mention herself as well. Even though the audio is weak, she tells Moreno that she is going to report his misconduct.

Even though Moreno didn’t choke her out this time, his body language is threatening and designed to intimidate. Knowing his powerful friends will back up is version of events, he arrogantly tells Jane Doe to go ahead and report it.

Jane Doe took prudent steps to seek help from virtually everyone in the system. The only organization that stepped up to the plate was Family Advocacy Programs (FAP).

Jose’s bible. Instead of learning how to defend a nation, he was learning how to charm the panties off women. This book was and is the deity he prays to each morning.

The United States Army then took steps to intimidate and coerce FAP, the one group that was standing up for Jane Doe and her family.

The Army contacted the FAP counselor’s bosses in an attempt to neutralize the threat and possibly get the FAP counselor fired.

But, to their credit, FAP stood strong and refused to yield. A woman and her child were in danger and they were not going to let them down.

A job well done goes to everyone at FAP who held fast against the Pentagon’s enormous pressure to betray Jane Doe and make the case go away.

Jane Doe is not afflicted with Stockholm syndrome, a condition that explains why hostages sometimes develop a psychological bond with their captors, or why abused women keep going back to their abusers.

Family Advocacy Programs (FAP) can attest to how many abused women seek their help, then go right back to the very person who physically and verbally abuses them on a daily basis.

Jane Doe has never given up protecting her family. It’s intriguing the lengths Army officers will go to in order to cover their own asses and protect the Army’s so-called “good name and reputation.”

Congress needs to get their shit together and conduct oversight of the military.

There needs to be a massive defenestration of top brass in the Pentagon. It’s the only way to clean it up.

When flag-ranking officers are lying through their teeth and using CID to make cases go away, it’s time to retire people with or without a pension.

The Army, Air Force, National Guard and respective IG offices have chosen to deceive their way out of the Jane Doe mess they created.

All of their rules and regulations mean absolutely nothing unless people of honor and integrity actually enforce their regulations and codes of ethics.

Unfortunately, a system has been created to reward those who have no integrity. Attempts to deceive and manipulate victims goes on every day.

It’s all designed to keep a lid on cases embarrass the military. This is what happens when flag-ranking officers are above the very laws they impose on everyone else.

The policy of allowing flag officers to retire to avoid prosecution must be stopped. We hereby end the refresher course on Jane Doe and move right into ARTICLE #10 below beginning with the Army’s “love boat.”


CID Special Agent Matthew Shaw

Several Army officers and affiliates who live and work in the Washington D.C. area own “pleasure” boats. Several of these watercraft have turned into party boats. And we mean “MAJOR” party boats!

CPT Moreno’s previous Battalion Commander, LTC Marylane Garcia Rosado and her husband (LTC Josue Flores) own one of these “party” boats.

But, the most notorious party boat on the mighty Potomac River belongs to Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Battleman with the Army’s Criminal Investigative Division (CID).

Aaron M. Battleman, is a former warrant officer turned GS employee who, at the time of the assault on Jane Doe’s child, was in charge of Ft. Myer’s CID office.

Battleman had a management style that only a three-year old could appreciate. He’d throw temper tantrums and denigrate people for the sadistic pleasure of it. On several occasions, Battleman would go too far.

His relentless harassment of one CID agent ended up with the agent attempting suicide. That’s the kind of extreme toxic working environment that Aaron Battleman enjoys. and the Pentagon endorses.

The generals needed a man they could count on to intimidate and harass both victims and his own special agents in order to achieve the results the Pentagon frequently desires.

Gregory D. Ford is the director of the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division. He loved Battleman’s style of management so much that when Special Agent Niclole Daniels filed her complaints against Battleman, he brought him back to HQ at Quantico until things died down, then promoted him and sent him back to Ft. Myer.

As Supervisory Special Agent-in-Charge, Battleman was giving the authority by Director Ford to launch investigations or quash them entirely. Sometimes he would feign an investigation so he could say, ‘I cannot share any information with you because that matter is under investigation.’

Army generals and Congress entrusted Battleman with enormous power to exonerate or destroy people’s lives. He used his police power to protect some service members while others he’d throw into the judicial meatgrinder.

Battleman was suddenly transferred to Quantico’s CID office to wait for things to “cool down” regarding the complaints from Special Agent Nicole L. Daniels and the festering problems with several other issues like the Jane Doe case.

It was Battleman who according to LTC Shepherd who chose not to investigate the Jane Doe case.

Ref: LTC Shepherd’s MFR Sept. 10, 2020: “Battleman advised that due to the way in which the evidence (phone) was acquired and that no victim had come forward regarding the nude pictures allegedly being texted between Soldiers or the adultery allegations, they would not be best suited to investigate.” 

CID Special Agent Nicole Daniels filed not one, but two complaints about Aaron Battleman regarding the toxic work environment everyone was forced to endure.

The victim didn’t come forward! Are they kidding? She only submitted eight (8) complaints with the DOD IG’s office and provided video evidence of her son being viciously slapped down by a depraved CPT Jose Moreno.

Unfortunately for Jane Doe, Moreno and Battleman were good bosom buddies. Moreno enjoyed trips on several different love boats. This primarily included Battleman’s floating den of iniquity, and the boat owned by LTC Marylane Garcia Rosado.

Recently, CID HQ let SA Battleman and SA Shaw slither back into their old jobs at Ft. Myer so they could continue protecting flag officers (and others) who party a little too hardy. Without them there, the good-old-boys had no protection.

Special Agent (SA) Matthew Shaw, we are told, was a frequent guest on Battleman’s love-boat cruises.

SA Shaw signed the Report of Investigation (ROI) that clearly indicated CPT Moreno’s involvement in the Jane Doe case, but Battleman acted like they never saw it.

Shaw knows “were all the bodies are buried.” Does he have the courage to expose the criminal misconduct by his supervisors?

Former battalion commander LTC Colleen Shepherd referenced Shaw’s ROI, but as we quoted above, she stated that Battleman advised her CID would not be best suited to investigate. (page 9 of MFR, signed Sept. 12, 2022).

Rumor has it that many senior-ranking Army officers, including one or more generals “participated” in love-boat festivities. If those rumors are true, you can bet that MilitaryCorruption.com will be glad to bring our readers the salacious details.

We expose these hypocrites because we fight for the truth and expose the corrupt. We especially have an abiding disgust for the admirals and generals who send people to Ft. Leavenworth for UCMJ violations, many of these violations are committed by most of the admirals and generals themselves.

We are also hearing that photos exist of these hedonistic love-boat parties, because people felt they needed some protection in case the boys in the Pentagon turned on them. We are aggressively attempting to get our hands on all photos taken during these Army love-boat excursions.

We particularly want to find out which one of the generals was doing it doggystyle aboard Battleman’s love-boat during a particularly wild party down the Potomac. Right now it’s only a vicious rumor, but it could have some validity, so we are looking into it.

If the rumor is true, was it that same Army general working with his CID Gestapo who helped orchestrate a coverup of several other cases of people who committed acts of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse, and received little or no punishment?

Career insurance is given only so long as officers keep their mouths shut. So famous were these party cruises on Battleman’s love-boat that a song was recently released about it… (sorry, no one on our staff has a decent singing voice but you may enjoy it anyway. We certainly did.)


The Occoquan Harbour Marina, Prince William County, VA

Battleman’s love-boat would pick up women and other distinguished guests waiting at the Tiki Bar, then depart to motor down to the Occoquan tributary to the Potomac for a three hour tour, a three hour tour.

Loaded up with booze, recreational drugs, Army officers, CID officers, enlisted, retirees and lots of women, Battleman’s love boat would set sail. Battleman, Shaw and first mate Jose Moreno would help weigh anchor for some insane adult partying in George town and on the mighty Potomac River.

Women quickly discovered that on a boat, there is no where to run. You can bet that horny and aggressive Army officers and CID special agents took full advantage of their “captive audience.”

Some female passengers undoubtedly felt pressured to perform. The message was clear, either put out or do the backstroke home. And, who’s going to investigate any malfeasance especially when the boat is owned by an special agent with the Criminal Investigative Division of the Army?

One of our own investigators said, “I’ll bet you money there were underaged girls who also had sex on these Army love boat excursions!”

Who’s going to investigate the Army when the Army has been given the authority by Congress to investigate itself? The fox is indeed guarding the hen house!

You can bet that CPT Jose Luis Moreno was a witness and a participant in the drug and alcohol fueled hedonistic parties on Battleman’s love boat excursions. That’s one of the reasons that Moreno was being protected, otherwise he would have been tossed out of the Army years ago.

CID agents, working in concert with unscrupulous military lawyers at Maryland District Washington (MDW) made sure Moreno was protected, which by proxy also protected other many other officers involved in the coverup.


SCORE #11 – Army Major Alpa Ladani, National Guard General Officer Management Office

In November 1918, General John Pershing directed the Provost Marshal General to organize a criminal investigation division within the Military Police Corps.

CID touts their primary mission is; investigating serious crime and conducting sensitive/serious investigations.

In reality, the primary mission of CID is to; run love-boat excursions mostly for the pleasure of field-grade and flag-ranking Army officers, but enlisted members were aboard also.

If any investigating is done, they investigate only to find and destroy evidence that could be embarrassing for the Army. They ignore battered women, and if possible, make it look like the victim’s fault.

CID also has a nasty habit of not reporting crimes to CODIS and ordering the destruction of criminal records so senior-ranking Army officers can arrive at a new duty station or retire with a “clean” slate.

The Criminal Investigative Division (CID) of the United States Army is a corrupt organization. Like the U.S. Secret Service and other government agencies, there are many excellent agents, but their leadership is rotten to the core.

A corrupt police organization railroads people into prison and protect criminals. Sadly, there are good CID agents who know their jobs would be extinguished and careers destroyed if they ever told what they knew and what they witness on any given day.

There are people on our own staff who lost their military career because they blew the whistle on impropriety. But even so, if you don’t help solve the problem, then YOU are the problem.

How many CID agents were involved in covering up the Jane Doe case? No one knows the answer to that but CID itself, and they’re not talking.

Rumor has it that, CPT Moreno and his friends were not well endowed, which compelled them to form the “Little Peckers Club.” CPT Moreno was allegedly elected president-for-life for obvious reasons. Again, it’s just another vicious rumor from rumor control.

One CID agent, however, decided she would not go along to get along. Her name is Special Agent Nicole Daniels.

SA Daniels decided that she would not be a party to the crazy bullshit occurring aboard Battleman’s love boat.

She filed an official IG complaint against SA Aaron Battleman about his love-boat adventures. You can bet there’s much more to the story that we don’t know.

Was CID Special Agent Nicole Daniels assaulted on Battleman’s love boat? People may never know, because who the hell is going to investigate the investigators?

Whatever happened must have been bad for CID to suddenly start transferring people to other venues until the dust settled.

We fear that Battleman’s love-boat and how CID protects senior-ranking military officers is just the tip of the iceberg.

No one in the Pentagon cares really cares what antics occur on Battleman’s sleezy little love-boat or anywhere else in CID’s jurisdiction. Rape, murder, sexual assault; it’s all OK as long as it’s kept quiet, away from the eyes and ears of the American people.

When some Army officer who is part of the good-old-boy’s club gets into trouble, Battleman and a few others start receiving calls from the Pentagon. Military judges, CID agents, MDW lawyers, SVP and SVC lawyers have created a “machine” to make problems go away.

Their “machine” allows the innocent to suffer and the perps to get a pass, or they subtly weave their web around whistleblowers to make them the criminals. This is why we always tell people not to trust any of the people who say, “I feel your pain,” or “I’m sincerely care about your situation.”

The American people do not care, in large part because they don’t know. A slew of federal lawsuits, however, will help get the word out about how the military conceals misconduct. The Pentagon’s biggest concern is confronting a public relations nightmare that a federal lawsuit could potentially invoke.

Members of Congress are glad to allow the military to “clean” its own house. The problem is, the military doesn’t clean, they suppress! They survive and prosper by suppressing embarrassing information about a wide range of chronic malfeasance.

Captain Moreno converses with LTC Tim McCormic and announces that MAJ Alpa Ladani was #11 and rated an “average” sex score


The Army allows their officers to treat women like shit. Captain Moreno and his fellow Army officers, for example, were keeping book on the women they had sex with. MAJ Alpa Ladani was conquest #11.

LTC Tim McCormic asks in the text message, “Did you add to the total?” Moreno used his tally-wacker to raise his tally numbers on his sexual-conquest score card.

Their treatment of women is pure misogyny. Moreno and his Army officer cronies have a deep-seeded hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.

At a bare minimum, they certainly don’t treat women with even a modicum of respect.

Their contempt for women is manifested in physical intimidation and abuse, sexual harassment, social shunning, ostracism and even rape.

Moreno uses children as punching bags, while he uses women as toys to be used up and discarded when he loses interest.

Moreno’s distain for women can be seen in the score card he keeps to tally his conquests. Moreno described MAJ Alpa Ladani in a text message as being only “average.”

Curiously, MAJ Alpa Ladani plans to be a witness for Moreno at his October general court martial, which explains her obsession with Moreno.

As a side note; MAJ Ladani, at the time, worked as the Chief of Bench Branch – NG General Officer Management Office. Ladani was discovered one evening drinking with Moreno while he was enrolled in a mandated Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC) program.

Their attitude is clear; we don’t need no stinking SUDCC program. We’ll do whatever the fuck we want.


Lieutenant Colonel Colleen Shepherd (left), and her new wife Tania

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Colleen Shepherd was a battalion commander at same time Jane Doe was nearly choked to death, and her son was receiving his brain injuries by the hands of CPT Jose Moreno.

In fact, Lieutenant Colonel Shepherd was Moreno’s battalion commander.

Jane Doe sought help from Shepherd to primarily receive protection from the unstable and irascible CPT Moreno.

She wanted an end to the domestic violence against herself and her children through a military protective order (MPO), but she needed Shepherd to obtain an MPO.

Shepherd did virtually nothing to provide Jane Doe and her family the protection they needed, nor did she hold anyone accountable for the violent assaults by one of the officers in her command.

Shepherd did, however, move to protect CPT Dionne Henley a finance officer for the command who Moreno was also screwing.

LTC Shepherd couldn’t be bothered with a case of domestic violence, because her mind was elsewhere. Shepherd was focused on a planned vacation with her wife in Hawaii.

When MilitaryCorruption.com posted its first Jane Doe article on September 7, 2022, Shepherd appears to have gone apoplectic by drafting a 14-page CYA Memorandum For Record (MFR).

The MFR was filled with lies and deceptions. For whatever reason, she decided to protect Moreno and ignored Jane Doe’s pleas for and MPO.

Paragraph four on page nine of LTC Shepherd’s MFR, signed: September 12, 2022, states the following…

“After returning to the office, I immediately started calling my advisors. I contacted LTC Ridgel regarding the allegations. After speaking with her, I spoke with CID RAC Battleman, RAC Daniels replacement, to inquire if they would be willing to investigate these matters.

That I had great concern about investigating internally due to the information coming from (Jane Doe) suggesting leadership cover-ups, misconduct, and threats to her safety.

RAC Battleman advised that due to the way in which the evidence (phone) was acquired and that no victim had come forward regarding the nude pictures allegedly being texted between Soldiers or the adultery allegations, they would not be best suited to investigate.

He said they may investigate the steroid use; however, he wanted to contact a military narcotics unit recently established in the Washington, D.C. area first. I contact CPT Markeson, MDW TC, to discuss options for confinement of an officer who resides off post.”

According to Shepherd, CID Special Agent Aaron Battleman said that CID couldn’t investigate because of the way the text messages were acquired. The part about no victim had come forward is all absolute bullshit.

All of the information about potential stolen Army weapons, racism by Army officers, fraternization and adultery, etc., were ruled inadmissible and not worth investigating by self-appointed  “Judge” Aaron Battleman.

Remember, that Moreno was a frequent participant of Battleman’s and Rosado’s love-boat party cruises. Battleman protected his philandering buddy Captain Jose Moreno because he helped to escort the ladies aboard and probably helped with sundry other tasks to make the love-boat cruises a memorable experience.

Because LTC Colleen Shepherd’s MFR was replete with a mountain of with lies and deceptions, the Army moved swiftly to get her the hell out of Dodge to protect her career.

Having served as battalion commander for only ten (10) months, LTC Shepherd was suddenly ordered to an Army Joint Forces Headquarters (JFHQ) near her home town in Ohio.

Instead of being flagged for conjuring up a completely false narrative in her MFR, Army brass chose to circle-the-wagons around Shepherd and get her the hell out of town as soon as possible. The first priority for our new WOKE military is to protect their gay officers at all costs.


Major General Joseph R. Baldwin

Recently, we discovered that Army Major General (MG) Joseph R. Baldwin was transferred to be the Army National Guard director while Army LTG Jonathan M. Stubbs serves as acting chief of the National Guard Bureau.

Baldwin is at the center of the storm involving the Jane Doe case.

Right out of the Pentagon’s play book, LTG Jon Jensen was allowed to retire to avoid any investigation or accountability even though he was named in numerous IG complaints by Jane Doe.

The Army only flags people they don’t like. Generals are never flagged. That honor is reserved for the little people.

When the military starts moving people around like chess pieces on the board, there’s a reason for it. This harkens back to when the Army was protecting settlers as they traversed Indian territory 150 years ago.

The Army doesn’t protect settlers in covered wagons anymore. They now protect flag-ranking officers in the Pentagon and other scumbag officers who view the UCMJ as merely guidelines that can be ignored at will.

The Army especially circles their wagons when attempting to conceal and extinguish cases involving sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse.

And above all, the boys in the Pentagon do not want the American people to know about their racist senior officers. They prefer to maintain the facade of equal justice.

The Pentagon does everything possible to ensure the public never knows how women and children are being mistreated by active duty service members, especially after the generals gave assurances to Members of Congress they were taking prudent action to curtail violence towards women and children.

The generals were not trying to stop it, they were taking overt steps to cover it up and make it look like they stopped it. Take it to the bank!

The Pentagon has covered up numerous cases of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse through a campaign of intimidation, confidence scams, unethical maneuvers and “legal” gamesmanship.

Let’s hear what Major General Baldwin has on his mind…


Call us crazy, but we think that a fair and balance application of the law is the best thing for the good order and discipline of the military.

Covering up malfeasance and allowing service members to escape accountability does NOT contribute to any organization’s “good order and discipline.”

The United States Army attempted to sneak Moreno out the backdoor twice without the victim knowing anything about it. So much for caring about the victims of crime!

When the resignation in-lieu-of-court-martial plan went up in smoke, the Army embarked on yet another secret mission to protect Moreno with a covert BOI.

In the second attempt the avoid prudent accountability, the Army scheduled a secret Board of Inquiry (BOI), concealing the kangaroo gathering from Jane Doe. The fact that victims have the right to attend a BOI and submit evidence didn’t seem to matter to unscrupulous Army brass.

And, it’s even darker than that. President Biden issued an Executive Order that essentially said any domestic violence or sexual assault cases must be adjudicated before a general court martial.

To get around the new Executive Order, the sneaky bastards at the Pentagon and NGB HQ decided to issue an order establishing the BOI one day before President Biden signed his Executive Order. There is the law, then there is the spirit and intent of the law.

Two or three days before the BOI was to convene Jane Doe inadvertently heard about the secret BOI through her FAP counselor. MDW Legal offered FAP the opportunity to either testify or provide medical/counseling records to the BOI panel.

The lawyers at MDW Legal were attempting to illegally obtain medical records on Jane Doe and her son without her knowledge or consent for a BOI she knew nothing about.

Adding insult to injury, Jane Doe also discovered that NBG officers listed in her IG complaints were writing letters of recommendation on behalf of CPT Moreno’s to be made part of the record at this clandestine Board of Inquiry.

It wasn’t until MC.com exposed the secret planned BOI in VOLUME VIII (https://militarycorruption.com/volume-viii/), that the Army suddenly changed their plans and backed away from their stealthy BOI strategy.

Commanding General, MG Allan M. Pepin accepted letters of recommendation knowing the authors of the letters had been reported to the Inspector General as well as himself. MG Pepin just ignored all of the allegations from the victim.

MG Pepin, the DOD IG office and numerous others in the Pentagon were beside themselves. They desperately wanted the Jane Doe case to just freeking disappear.


Colonel Tasha N. Lowery is a gifted coverup artist. By her own actions (and lack of action), she makes it clear that she doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about the plight of domestic violence victims. Colonel Lowery exemplifies how the military works covertly behind the scenes to protect scumbag officers. Colonel, if you don’t help solve the problem then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! Lowery’s actions (and lack of action), at the very minimum, constitutes criminal neglect and dereliction of duty.

From the very beginning of this Jane Doe saga, the Army has been slyly assigning black women to address Jane Doe’s complaints in an concerted effort to “put the fire out.” But Jane Doe was too smart. She knew what they were up to and didn’t fall for it.

PAUSE: It’s important for our readers to know that we don’t pull out the race issue unless it’s easily proven. Everything these days is being labeled by the race-baiters as being “racist,” when many things are not. Many times we begged Jane Doe to pull out the race card. She didn’t want to because she said, “I wasn’t raised that way.” The text messages are clear examples of disrespect and racism.

The text messages between two Army officers LTC Tim McCormic and LTC Ryan Nelson. Army brass know all about these guys, and yet, neither have been investigated, flagged or even reprimanded. Racism? You be the judge!

Since it’s nearly impossible to remove racism from the hearts of people, the military should have a policy of removing people from the service who blatantly express their racism as did LTC Tim McCormic in text messages.

Instead, the Army protected the racists and even promotes them up the ladder to positions of command as they have done in the case of LTCs McCormic and LTC Ryan Nelson. Both were transferred to Indiana and Florida respectively.

When America was just a few burgeoning colonies along the Atlantic coast, blacks were employed by the slave traders to kidnap Africans from their villages for a life of slavery.

White slave traders found that black people were easier to control if they had a black man to help enslave other black people.

The Pentagon uses black people to control other black people in order to remove the charge of racism from the equation.

The racism still exists, but is ironically being protected by black people who sell out other black people for a regular paycheck from the government.

The power brokers in Washington happily remove the hot-potato of racism by using black people to do their bidding.

That’s exactly what the Pentagon wanted to happen in the Jane Doe case, but it didn’t work. Jane Doe was too smart to let them take advantage of her.

Jane Doe’s rights were trampled by the action of other black women acting as agents for the boys in the Pentagon.

They were more interested in their own military careers than protecting a one-year-old baby. After all, it wasn’t their child who was being beaten.

One would think that black female military officers would become incensed when viewing a video of an Army captain physically assaulting a one-year-old baby.

He was pummeling the child because he didn’t want to have a black baby. Much to our shock and dismay, these Pentagon-selected black female officers were OK with it.

If they weren’t OK with it, they would have demanded that CPT Jose Luis Moreno be restricted to base and immediately court martialed. All we heard from these black female officers were crickets.

The injuries that Jane Doe’s son sustained didn’t bother them, as long as they continued to receive invitations to all the cocktail parties in Washington D.C.

One would logically think that black female Army officers would have upset with racist text messages between two white Army officers, combined with the idea that an Army captain was beating the hell out of a child for simply being black.


Colonel Tasha and CID Special Agent Shawn Lowery.

CID Special Agent Shawn Lowery was the (SAC), Special Agent in Charge of the infamous Vanessa Guillen case at Fort Hood, Texas.

Vanessa Guillen was a 20-year-old soldier who was brutally murdered then her body was cut up with parts stuffed into a barrel and other parts buried around the base.

As the Special Agent in Charge, Shawn Lowery did is very best to protect the senior Army officers, but it didn’t work out so well.

Vanessa’s mother was raining down fire and brimstone on the Army because she knew they were lying to her, and to everyone else for that matter.

Army lies got so bad that on December 8, 2020, the Secretary of the Army announced the results of a second and more intense investigation, disciplining fourteen commanders and other leaders at Fort Hood.

The investigation found that there was a “permissive environment for sexual assault and sexual harassment at Fort Hood.” Does this sound familiar NGB?

Colonel Tasha Lowery is the other part of the husband, wife team that took active steps to quash any investigation into the Jane Doe case.

INTERESTING NOTE: COL Tasha Lowery is (was, since they moved her to the Pentagon) the first-line supervisor for Moreno’s battalion commander, LTC Marylane Rosado Garcia. Prior to that, the supervisor was COL David Bowling.

Lowery and Bowling had the authority to reel LTC Shepherd and LTC Garcia in, but chose not to. Colonel Lowery and Colonel Bowling were therefore supremely derelict in their duty for failing to hold their officers accountable for not doing their jobs properly.

Who in the Army’s entire chain-of-command (COC) actually cared about the abuse a black woman and her children were receiving from a mentally-challenged Army captain?

The short answer: no one, going from the battalion commanders all the way up to the Secretary of the Army actually cared enough to even reprimand someone, less refer charges. After two years and quite reluctantly, the Army finally referred Moreno to a General Court Martial (GCM) and gave all other officers a pass.

We are told that LTC Garcia has numerous EO and IG complaints against her, and wonder if her officer evaluations provide a fair assessment of her character and leadership abilities.

SPECIAL NOTE: In order to find the truth, you first have to WANT TO find the truth. The military is still attempting to figure out a way to get Moreno off active duty with very little punishment, while protecting the careers of all the other officers who overtly of covertly effected a coverup.

Colonel Lowery reduced the time for monthly meetings to address sexual assault and domestic violence cases down to a measly one hour per month. If cases ran over, they would be cancelled until the next month. She was just going through the motions and frankly didn’t care.

With her husband as a special agent for CID HQ in Quantico, Virginia, it was no surprise to anyone there was no investigation into how Tasha Lowery mishandled the Jane Doe case and many other similar cases.

CID protects the officers, and the officers protect CID. It’s a cozy little relationship that continues to work well to ensure embarrassing problems are quietly disposed of.


Former Army Colonel Njeri Hanes, now the Deputy Director of the Professional Responsibility Advisory Office, U.S. Department of Justice. She is one of the major players in the cover-up of the Jane Doe case.

Colonel Njeri Hanes, AKA: Jeri Hanes is believed to be the principle architect in the Jane Doe coverup. Hanes was the one pulling the strings to make the Jane Doe case go away.

COL Njeri Hanes instead attacked Jane Doe by stating in a letter to a Board of Professional Responsibility that Jane Doe was the problem, that she was committing baseless harassment on military lawyers.

The crazy part is Hanes is now at the DOJ still protecting lawyers who commit improprieties.

As several legal cases began to spin out of the Army’s control under her “leadership,” Hanes suddenly resigned from her job and retired from the Army to accept an offer at the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Former Army Colonel Hanes is now the “Deputy Director of Professional Responsibility” at DOJ. If that isn’t a case of the fox guarding the hen house, we don’t know what is.

Her job is to receive bar complaints against DOJ attorneys and make a determination on the validity of those complaints.

Because the IG complaints began to stack up against COL Jeri Hanes, she decided to exit stage left and got the hell out of the Army.

Was Colonel Hanes offered the job at DOJ to buy her silence because there’s a storm brewing involving several cases she has her fingerprints on? She specifically told a rape victim that her rape didn’t occur the way she remembered it. And, that’s in writing.

Instead of sending COL Jeri Hanes to a general court martial on a myriad of legal and ethical violations, she was given a plum assignment at DOJ.

Maybe DOJ desperately needed a black woman in that job. Has Jeri Hanes become a gatekeeper for the white power brokers at the DOJ?

In order to protect the generals, she had to protect CPT Moreno. To hell with a little boy that will suffer for the rest of his life and a mother that has to witness that suffering for the rest of her life.

Njeri Hanes has absolute no credibility to be making a determination on complaints about DOJ lawyers when she has so royally messed up so many cases for the United States Army.


Military Judge, Colonel Adam Scott Kazin

JAG Lawyer Lieutenant Colonel Brandon R. Bergmann teamed up with Judge Adam S. Kazin to help the Army “deal with” difficult and embarrassing criminal cases. Bergman was the Special Victims Prosecutor (SVP) for MDW Legal until June 2024.

It was amazing to discover how Judge Adam S. Kazin and LTC Brandon Bergmann were involved on so many high profile domestic violence and sexual assault cases where the perpetrator received little or no punishment at victims were promised jail time.

It’s interesting to note that in all of these high-profile cases, LTC Bergmann’s name wasn’t always shown, but he was directly working behind the scenes to help Judge Kazin make the embarrassing cases become less visable.

Could it be a little game the prosecutor and judge play to make victims feel they are getting justice, when they are really being betrayed by a corrupt judicial machine whose goal is to protect Army reputation at all costs?

EXAMPLE: The prosecutor, LTC Brandon Bergman had a conversation with Judge Kazin. We are told it was late on a Sunday evening. After that phone call, Judge Kazin allegedly issued an order to obtain all of Jane Doe’s (and her son’s) medical records.

If the judge’s order wasn’t illegal, the procedure certainly was. The way this was supposed to happen is a request for medical records normally comes from the defense team, not the prosecutors.

Then a judge who believes in being fair and balanced has a hearing to rule on the request. After hearing both sides of the argument, the judge hands down a decision on whether the defense team can have access to the victim’s medical records.

Lieutenant Colonel Brandon R. Bergmann who learned how to purr like a kitten to gain the confidence of victims before he guts them like a fish.

Judge Kazin was way the fuck out of bounds especially since the victim is represented by counsel. Nobody contacted the victim or her legal representative.

The judge just moved unilaterally to secretly obtain the victim’s medical records. Just who the hell do you think you are your honor?

The perps are doing things that should get them many years behind bars, but Kazin and Bergmann know all the little legal machinations to make cases go away.

They illegally seize information like medical records, or take other steps to dilute the legal jeopardy perps find themselves in.


In another case involving MAJ Michael Simmons and his wife, Judge Adam Kazin entered in a false statement in the “Statement of Trial Results.

In block #32, the Statement of Trial Results form asks, “Has the accused been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (18 U.S.C.  922(g)(9))?”

Much to the shock and dismay of Mrs. Simmons, Judge Kazin categorically attests on the Statement of Trial Results that, “NO,” MAJ Simmons wasn’t convicted.

This entry came as a complete shock to Mrs. Simmons who suddenly discovered that she was betrayed by a corrupt system of so-called “justice.”

Presently, the Army is attempting to make the wife of MAJ Simmons believe that MAJ Michael Simmons is going to a BOI. That’s not going to happen. Rest assured, we will delve into the Major Simmons case in a future article.

So much for fair and impartial jurisprudence. You won’t get that out of the military, no matter how hard you try. The Army usually resolves their problems with intimidation tactics by prosecutors or false information signed off as fact as in the example above by Judge Kazin.

When intimidation tactics do not work, the military tries the soft sell approach. Someone to gain the confidence of the victim(s) is dispatched. That’s what LTC Bergmann mission was and what he does so well.

Bergmann suddenly appeared on the scene and with a smooth stealthy approach, he attempted to weasel his way into the good graces of Jane Doe.

Judge Kazin’s tag-team buddy, LTC Brandon Bergmann started off by lying to Jane Doe.

He told Jane Doe that he knew nothing about her case because he was away attending a funeral for his mother who committed suicide. Translation; ‘don’t blame me, I knew nothing about what was going on in your case.’

Text from CPT Moreno to LTC Tim McCormic displaying a photo of LTC Ryan Nelson and himself giving each other a high-five while having their way with some sweet young thing. Moreno couldn’t help himself, he had to include a joke about Secretary Levine as well.

By strange coincidence, Jane Doe also had a loved one commit suicide a long time ago in her past. Was this a ploy to begin to maneuver his way into her confidence?

We discovered that yes, LTC Brandon Bergmann’s mother did pass away a year after Jane Doe’s case began. Unless his mother’s funeral lasted a full year after her death, he was lying to Jane Doe right out of the gate.

We were doubtful the Army had any intention of actually convicting Moreno. Why in the world would the Army protect him for two plus years, then suddenly turn on him?

Were all the charges against Moreno just for show, with the diabolical intent to gain Jane Doe’s confidence, and provide cover for the Army should Congress come a knocking on their door demanding answers?

Witnesses at a recent hearing say the Army may have reversed course. But, what’s the reason for this 180 degree turnabout? Could it be because Jane Doe hired a lawyer and filed a claim against the Army?

Is the Army getting a bit nervous about the potential for news interest in the Jane Doe story, and how they twice attempted to sneak Moreno out of the service with little or no accountability?

Has the Army decided to throw CPT Jose Moreno to the wolves at Ft. Leavenworth to protect their own asses?

Why is Captain Moreno the only one being thrown under the bus? What about all the other Army officers using drugs and committing predatory acts against women, and exposing their racist beliefs through text messages?

According to LTC Shepherd’s MFR, CSM Gary was supposed be investigating all of this, but CSM Gary was a close friend of CPT Moreno. Good luck with that happening.

Have they forgotten about all the other pathetic Army officers who violated Army regulations, disobeyed UCMJ statutes and disregarded a boat-load of ethical norms?

Or, does the Army hope that by destroying Moreno, they can save the illustrious careers of so many others?


Does anyone know about Talia’s Law? Five year old Talia Williams was murdered by her father and stepmother on a military base in Hawaii. The National Children’s Alliance said the circumstances surrounding Talia’s death are heartbreaking and disturbing, and were preventable.

Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) proposed federal legislation that came to be known as “Talia’s Law.” (INTRODUCING THE LAW BEFORE CONGRESS)

The Talia Williams Child Abuse Notification Act (“Talia’s Law”) was passed in December 2016 and compels members of the armed forces, Department of Defense civilian employees or contractor employees to report any suspected abuse to State Child Protective Services in addition to military personnel.

The DOD doesn’t give a damn about child abuse, sexual assaults, domestic violence, racism, nor does DOD care about the Sodom and Gomorrah world of the NGB. DOD is much more concerned about concealing cases than properly prosecuting them.

They just don’t want the American people to know what really goes on in America’s new military.


On September 27, 2022, Army Colonel David Bowling did his level best to convince Jane Doe that he cared about her situation. Nothing, was further from the truth. Long before smooth-talking Bergmann arrived, Colonel Bowling was the first to attempt his confidence scheme on Jane Doe.

Text message from Moreno to LTC McCormic saying SHARP training is for ugly people.

If their lips are moving, they’re lying.

COL Bowling, will what sounded like sincerity, assured Jane Doe he would get back to her in a few days. He never called her again. Bowling knew, or quickly discovered, that Captain Moreno was among an elite few, a protected class of Army officers who were above the law. He was part of an army within the Army.

In the audio above, Army Colonel Bowling doing his level best to convince Jane Doe that he (and the Army who sent him there) actually cared about her and her children. Listen to his “sincere” assurances below…

In the complete audio, COL Bowling tells Jane Doe he’s going to speak to military attorney CPT Alexis Markeson.

He promises also to speak with attorneys LTC Brandon Bergmann, MAJ Chase Cleveland and Cleveland’s boss who was COL Njeri Hanes. At that time, COL Hanes was the Supervisory JAG for MDW Legal and advisor to Major General Allan M. Pepin.

We believe that Bowling discovered the Jane Doe case involved many other issues including racism and took overt steps to quash any action against Moreno.

Even after COL Bowling witnessed the vicious slap Moreno gave his 1-year-old son on video, he decided to let the victim twist in the wind. The Army was so proud of Bowling’s attempt to “put out the Jane Doe fire,” that he was transferred to the Pentagon.


Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) are extra entitlement payments to a service member who has children.

CPT Moreno intentionally did not disclose his BAH & BAS allowances to the court to lower his child support payments, which is an act of FRAUD!

Screwing the general’s wife or going AWOL is one thing, but messing with federal money is playing with fire. Sadly, committing fraud in the military now is an accepted form of theft like robbing a retail store in California.

It was just more insult to injury perpetrated upon the victim.

Jose Luis Moreno Jr. and his Attorney Mr. Wright intentionally concealed $43,484, of yearly income from Army’s Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS), that Moreno was receiving because he declared a child as a dependent.

CPT Moreno working through his unscrupulous attorney reported only his basic pay, not his BAH & BAS allowances.

Over a three-year period, unreported income amounted to approximately of $130,000, used to deceive the courts in order to dramatically lower his child support obligation.

Moreno only was to receive BAH & BAS allowance money if he lived with his son, which he did not. Aside from the unreported income is the fact he deceived the court into believing he was actually living with the son he used as a punching bag.

Because they were not married and per military regulation, Moreno was required to obtain Jane Doe’s authorization on what he was reporting to the military. Unless he was forging her signature, the military never received Jane Doe’s signature in yet another violation of the law.

Bottom line, CPT Jose Moreno received a whole bunch of extra cash for a child that he used as a punching bag and didn’t live with, then intentionally did not report that income to lower his child support obligation. This was an act of fraud to both military and civilian courts.

To date, Moreno doesn’t even have his son’s medical and dental information up to date. Because of his negligence, Jane Doe cannot use Tri-Care and has to pay for medical bills out of her pocket. Furthermore, Moreno allowed his son’s ID card to expire; he didn’t much care about the child’s well-being at all.

Jane Doe needed that extra income in higher child support payments to pay for doctor’s bills to address the beatings Moreno gave his son. She tried in vain to get the child-support judge to understand how the court was being deceived by CPT Moreno.


Army Lieutenant Colonel Tim McCormic who has a problem with black people.

When the very woman on the “crisis posters” cannot get help herself, it’s all political posturing to make Congress and the American people believe the military cares about domestic violence, and protecting women and children.

The notion the military actually cares about victims of domestic violence is totally false. The real agenda is concealed by a mountain of lies hidden behind a facade of so-called “caring” posters and subverted programs like “Special Victims Counsels (SVCs).”

Covering up high-profile cases is not new for the Army. There was a very good article describing this by Rolling Stone Magazine called “Delta Force’s Dirty Secret

In the Rolling Stone’s article, COL Adam KAZIN and COL Carol BREWER are highlighted, and it’s interesting to note how many of the people involved in these coverup cases are now involved in the Jane Doe case.

LTC Donna Ridgel was selected 2023, by the NGB to be in charge of the entire SVC program for the National Guard, even after she failed to report child abuse in the Jane Doe case. We think it was MG Baldwin who ordered her to her new duty assignment.

COL Carol Brewer is the SVC regional manager who took it upon herself to deny a Special Victims Counsel to Jane Doe.

COL Brewer also happened to be the Special Victims Prosecutor (SVP) in the case where the military erased critical audio evidence that allowed the perpetrator to go free as referenced in the Rolling Stone article.

COL Kazin who was the Chief of Army JAG Corps Criminal Law Division. It was his office who “inadvertently” or “intentionally” erased critical audio evidence.

Jane Doe initially sought help from Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Tim McCormic. She thought that maybe LTC McCormic would do something to intervene in order to quell Moreno’s violent tendencies.

Jane Doe received absolutely no help from LTC McCormic even though it was his duty to intervene especially when a child was being beaten by a fellow Army.


What is the SVC program? Several years ago, Congresswomen came to the conclusion the admirals and generals were lying to them about protecting women in the military and civilian women involved with active duty service members.

Far too many women were being beat up, raped and murdered by servicemen. Military brass had a major problem of how appear like they were taking action to maintain “good order and discipline,” while covering up all the embarrassing stuff they didn’t want the American people to know about.

The Pentagon spent a bazillion dollars creating offices staffed by counselors at most military installations giving the illusion they cared about the plight of women and children being victimized by service members.

The admirals and generals really don’t care about the pain and suffering women were being subjected to. The admirals and generals would say and do almost anything to get female Members of Congress off their backs.

This was a difficult balancing act to pacify Congress, while ensuring nothing would interfere with the timely and regular promotion schedule of flag-ranking officers. If you know nothing about the military, know this; many senior-ranking officers would sell out their own mother if it meant getting another star on their collar.

In the 1939 classic, Wizard of Oz, Dorothy said, “Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My! The Tin Man, Dorothy and the Scarecrow were fearful of what lurked in the Forest of Burzee. People entering the military should lock arms and say, “Liars, Scoundrels and Thieves, Oh My!” Then repeat it over and over again while taking careful steps upon entering any military installation.

RANK HAS IT PRIVILEGES (RHIP): Admirals and generals want it all; booze, women, money, duty assignments, cocktail parties, personal aircraft and late-model sedans, all supported by a backdrop of marching troops and military bands.

They all covet the perks of office along with best perk of all, a free get-out-of-jail card and knowing that as an admiral or general, you are now above the law. Nobody can touch you. Members of Congress don’t care unless it’s a member of their immediate family being railroaded to a court martialed.

The Special Victims Counsel (SVC) program is a feint to gain the confidence of victims so the Army knows the best way to gut them like a fish.

The SVC program allows victims to have a military lawyer assigned to them, but victimized women and Members of Congress have virtually no clue as to how the SVC program really works in practice. JAG lawyers are controlled by the military and the military is controlled by flag officers in the Pentagon.


Initially, the Army refused to provide an SVC lawyer for Jane Doe and her children. Denying a woman protection was bad optics, so the Army reluctantly provided a JAG (SVC) lawyer to allegedly represent her, but only after the Army lied to Congressman Connolly’s office.

One after another, JAG lawyers betrayed her. Jane Doe quickly discovered how SVC lawyers would pretend to represent her interests, when in fact, they were only protecting themselves and the Army’s so-called “good name and reputation.”

Compare their educational brochures about the SVC program. When Jane Doe began firing for effect, the Army secretly altered their brochures about the SVC program, but leaving out critically important information.

The Army decided the best way to deny legal services to a victim was to make sure that victims didn’t know their rights. Check out the subtle, but important changes the Army made to their brochure during the Jane Doe case. CLICK HERE:  OLD and NEW



The vindictiveness of Captain Jose Luis Moreno and the Army that was protecting him knew no bounds.

Moreno initiated legal action to take the family dog “Rambo” from his son. The child had fallen in love with “Rambo,” and the Rambo loved the little boy.

Moreno had physically hurt his son, now he wanted to emotionally hurt him by taking his beloved dog away from him as well. Even though Rambo was considered a “service dog” for the child, the vindictive Army captain still pursued legal action.

Frankly, Moreno didn’t give a damn about his little boy. Moreno just wanted to hurt Jane Doe by taking away the dog.

Moreno knew that taking away the boy’s dog would break the heart of not only a little boy, but also his mother who had seen him suffer nightly from the debilitating effects of his traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) that Moreno inflicted on the boy.

Moreno filed a lawsuit to gain possession of the dog. Strangely, he did not file court action to gain custody of his own son. Nor, did he file legal action for visitation rights. For Moreno, the dog was more important than his black baby as he referred to him as.

Moreno made the case that he was the legal owner of Rambo, but made the mistake of saying he could part with Rambo for a price which gave the judge an opportunity to allow the dog to remain with the boy if the mother coughed up the money.

Moreno regretted he had offered to surrender the dog for money. The judge said, ‘you made an offer and your offer was accepted, therefore you have to sell the dog to Jane Doe.’ The judge decreed the dog was to stay with Jane Doe and her son.

Moreno was angry that he did not get the revenge. Moreno appealed the judge’s decision. He didn’t want the dog nearly as much as he wanted to inflict pain upon the mother and his own son.

CPT Moreno (left) with LTC Ryan Nelson enjoying lunch at NGB HQ. Moreno is holding up a package of crackers as he mocks white people. He wanted people to call him Captain Crackers. The guy is a nut job.

Jane Doe was already hemorrhaging money for lawyers, but could not bear the thought of giving Rambo to the very man who gave her son a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Now, Jane Doe was being forced to open her purse once again to pay thousands in order to satisfy Moreno’s vindictive desire to get even.

Even though Jane Doe and CPT Moreno were never married, they were experiencing what is commonly referred to as a “nasty divorce.” The situation was exacerbated when numerous Army officers overtly and covertly took steps to protect CPT Moreno from being held accountable.


Each branch of the military receives federal funds to provide protection for victims of domestic violence. This includes guidance from counselors through the Army’s Family Advocacy Programs (FAP).

Jane Doe received guidance and emotional support from FAP at a time when she really needed it.

FAP inadvertently discovered the Army’s secret BOI machinations when they asked FAP to testify at an upcoming Board of Inquiry (BOI) hearing for Captain Moreno.

FAP was surprised to learn that Jane Doe knew nothing about the scheduled BOI hearing, which, as a victim of domestic violence, she had a right to attend.

The BOI was not only secretly planned, but was to convene only three days from the time Jane Doe found out.

It was CPT Delancey with MDW Legal who worked for the unscrupulous COL Njeri Hanes who reached out to FAP asking them to testify at the secretly scheduled BOI hearing.

To this day Delancey has never spoken with the victim (Jane Doe). CPT Delancey was part of the conspiracy to get Moreno out of the military with an Honorable Discharge, and without the victim knowing anything about it.

This is how the military sneaks around in the shadows to victimize the victims all over again.

Jane Doe, when she finally found out about the BOI hearing, demanded her rights to attend. The cat was out of the bag and since Jane Doe found out about the secret BOI, the Army delayed the BOI indefinitely.

FAP became the target of Army aggression. Army commanders were doing everything they could to have FAP removed from the Jane Doe case. One of their counselors felt compelled to file a complaint with DOD IG about the reprisals being experienced.

After filing a complaint with DOD IG a phone call was received from Ms. Acelia Flores. Even though the IG office had all the information they needed to launch an intensive investigation, it was clear that DOD IG wasn’t really interested in getting involved.

Big KUDOS to the entire FAP organization. They didn’t buckle under Pentagon pressure to betray Jane Doe and her children. FAP stood their ground and did their job in support of their mission to help victims of crimes committed by military service members.

It’s a shame they don’t have more money for more counselors. Perhaps a separate investigative body directed by FAP managers would help.

We know from experience that CID & MDW cannot be trusted to conduct an unbiased investigation of the crimes being committed by deranged military members who use their wives, girlfriends and children as punching bags.


Ever since we began reporting on this flagrant breakdown in Army leadership, we kept asking ourselves WHY?

Why in the world was the Army doing everything possible to protect this pathetic, ethically-challenged junior officer who gave his own son a traumatic brain injury? None of this made any sense at all.

Why have Army generals done absolutely nothing to hold Moreno accountable for the past two plus years? Why now did the Army suddenly refer charges against CPT Moreno? Why did it take two plus years when they had video evidence of the crime from the very beginning?

The “Officer Record Brief” where CPT Moreno declared himself to be a black man.

We’ve heard about the slow wheels of justice, but Good God Almighty, why two years before the Army finally got off their ass and filed charges against Moreno?

One of our wise counselors at MilitaryCorruption.com laid it on the line early in the game.

With a cold stare, he said, “I believe when it’s all said and done, you’ll find Moreno was being protected by dirty cops, combined with WOKE-driven commanders up the chain of command!”

Others in our office believe it’s because Moreno knows where all the bodies are buried. It’s possible he witnessed one or more generals doing drugs, or doing an underage girl.

We may never know the real reason the Pentagon has doubled down on protecting Moreno all these years. The general consensus in our office is that the truth is far worse than anyone knows.

And the truth will be buried forever because Congress allows the military to investigate itself.


For one reason or another, Captain Jose Moreno falsified his Officer Record Brief form. Apparently rejecting his Puerto Rican heritage, Moreno declared he was an African American on this official Army document.

Strangely, he claims to be a white man on his Rhode Island driver’s license.

Whether he likes to admit it or not, CPT Moreno is actually a Puerto Rican born in New York.

His confusion about his ethnic background is why we frequently refer to the woman-beating, child-abusing Army captain as “Rachel Dolezal” Moreno.

We presume he intentionally falsified his ethnic background to either get a date, or have some sort of advantage over other military members for promotion or duty assignments.

Who the hell knows how this guy’s brain works anyhow!

Given the struggle of black Americans throughout our 248-year history, one could view CPT Moreno’s feeble attempt to call himself a black man on his Officer Record Brief as a case of stolen valor.

All officers who had knowledge of Moreno’s criminal and ethical misconduct and failed to properly address it, should also be held accountable.


Out of the blue, the Army finally decided to “appear” as if they are throwing CPT Moreno under the bus. On April 10, 2024, CPT Jose Luis Moreno was referred to a general court martial and put on the court docket for trial in October 2024.

The military has many ways to make it all go away so Captain Jose Moreno can be separated from the service with an Honorable Discharge as a reward for keeping his mouth shut about love-boat activities.

A conspiracy may still exist to reward the perpetrator with exoneration and deprive Jane Doe and her family of the justice and protection they seek.

It’s possible a motion will be made to a military judge to dismiss all charges against Moreno on September 16, 2024. Or, the Army may just throw his carcass under the wheels of the next bus to prison.

Other Army officers like LTC Collen Shepherd and LTC Marylane Garcia Rosado who lied, falsified documents, thwarted due process, etc. etc. will continue to enjoy Army protection from any accountability. REF: Shepherd’s infamous MFR

The child who was viciously attacked will endure a lifetime of suffering thanks to his father and thanks to an Army that obviously condones violence against women and children.

The Army certainly condoned the behavior of CPT Moreno and other Army officers who helped to cover his tracks. The Army has completely ignored Talia’s Law

Here’s the docket dates…

  1. 22FEB24, Moreno informed of the charges
  2. 29FEB24, Convening Order #3 assigned
  3. 10APR24, Copy of the Charge Sheet was served on the accused
  4. 30APR24, Arraignment Hearing (presumably under advice of counsel, Moreno waived his right to an Article 32 Hearing)
  5. 05AUG24, Motions Hearing Held
  6. 16SEP24, Motions Hearing Scheduled
  7. 14OCT24, General Court Martial Trial for Army Captain Jose Luis Moreno to allegedly begin

Is this planned court martial for CPT Moreno all a ruse intended to make people believe the Army has “zero tolerance” for violence against women and children? Part of this ruse was to charge CPT Moreno with the following counts and specifications on DD Form 458…

  1. CHARGE 1: Violation of Article 28b, UCMJ (Domestic Violence)
    1. SPECIFICATION 1   (Violent Offense-Assault Consummated by a Battery Upon a Child Under Age 16)
    2. SPECIFICATION 2   (Violent Offense-Assault Consummated by a Battery Upon a Child Under Age 16)
    3. SPECIFICATION 3   (Violent Offense-Assault Consummated by a Battery)
    4. SPECIFICATION 4   (Aggravated Assault with a Dangerous Weapon, to wit: a loaded firearm)
    5. SPECIFICATION 5   (Offense with Intent to Threaten or Intimidate)
    6. SPECIFICATION 6   (Offense Against any Property with Intent to Threaten or Intimidate)
    7. SPECIFICATION 7   (Violent Offense – Assault Consummated by a Battery)
    8. SPECIFICATION 8   (Violent Offense – Aggravated Assault with a Dangerous Weapon, to wit: a loaded firearm)
    9. SPECIFICATION 9   (Offense with Intent to Threaten or Intimidate)
    10. SPECIFICATION 10 (Violent Offense – Simple Assault)
    11. SPECIFICATION 11 (Violent Offense – Assault Consummated by a Battery)
    12. SPECIFICATION 12 (Violent Offense – Assault Consummated by a Battery)
    13. SPECIFICATION 13 (Offense with Intent to Threaten or Intimidate)
    14. SPECIFICATION 14 (Violent Offense – Assault Consummated by a Battery)
    15. SPECIFICATION 15 (Assault by Strangulation)
    16. SPECIFICATION 16 (Assault by Strangulation)
    17. SPECIFICATION 17 (Violent Offense – Assault Consummated by a Battery)
  2. CHARGE II: VIOLATION OF UCMJ ARTICLE 119b (Child Endangerment).
    1. SPECIFICATION: Assault on (Jane Doe) while she was holding her baby. Such conduct constituted culpable negligence

Notice the charges no one is talking about:

  1. No Article 134 charges for conduct-unbecoming-an-officer in the United States Army.
  2. No charges for fraternization for the countless enlisted women and men Moreno has slept with
  3. No charges for having sex with a multitude of married women. It used to be called adultery in the UCMJ.
  4. No charge about falsifying official documents saying he was black when he’s actually Puerto Rican.
  5. No charges and no investigation for weapons and ammunition believed to be stolen from the Army
  6. No charges for committing BAH & BAS fraud, failing to report approximately $130,000 of income to lower his child support.
  7. No charges for his DUI coverup and a severe alcohol problems.
  8. Not one charge that involves racism. Art. 134 conduct unbecoming an officer and Army Regs.

If court martial action isn’t a ruse, it means the Army is hoping their destruction of Moreno will satisfy Jane Doe’s quest for justice and accountability. By either destroying Moreno or getting him off on a technicality, numerous other officers can go on with their careers untainted by their own ethical misconduct and violations of law.

It’s the old saying, ‘We caught the culprit, there’s nothing further to investigate. Let’s keep the line moving folks.’

Whether the court-martial action against CPT Moreno is real, or a diabolical diversion, MC.com will continue to monitor, investigate and report. If for no other reason, Jane Doe and her son deserve justice.


Below is a list of people that we have been tracking who are involved in this incredible travesty of justice. We are sure that Jane Doe probably even has more to add to the list.

Think about all these people the next time you see a military officer on Capitol Hill testifying before Congress about how much they care about victims of domestic violence. Those little Congressional meetings provide little or no truth. The list below is loaded with the hard truth about the military and their piss-poor leadership.

For those who cannot access, here’s a nice downloadable pdf for you of the people involved in the Jane Doe case. CLICK: THE LIST



Army Regulations (AR 600-8-2), addresses the necessity to suspend any favorable action for military members involved in potential malfeasances. This is commonly referred to as “flagging” a member’s file where everything is frozen until accusations are fully resolved.

The Army instructs their officers not to take a “wait and see” approach before imposing flags. A flag will be initiated immediately when a “Soldier’s status changes from favorable to unfavorable.” What the hell does that mean?

Flagging an officer’s file is mandatory if an investigation is initiated by either military or civilian authorities. This is required for all command investigations, whether it is a commander’s inquiry, a 15-6 preliminary investigation, or an 15-6 administrative investigation.

Army regulations defines “investigation” broadly and suspension of favorable actions on that may potentially result in disciplinary action, adverse administrative action, or other loss to a soldier’s rank, pay or privileges.

One other important point; the effective date of the flag is the date the circumstances requiring the flag occurred, not the date the flag was initiated.

So it begs the question; why were other officers given a pass for their own brazen misconduct?

  1. LTC Colleen Shepherd blatantly lied in her MFR. Why was she not flagged or held accountable in any way?
  2. LTC Ginger M. Wietholder was married to an enlisted guy in Oregon while she was screwing Army Captain Jose Moreno. Why was she not flagged and held accountable?
  3. LTC Tim McCormic shirked his duty by not intervening in the domestic violence problems between CPT Moreno and Jane Doe. Why did the Army look the other way on his racist text messages. Why was he not flagged or held accountable?
  4. COL Tasha Lowery was deeply involved in the Jane Doe case. Most of her antics have never been scrutinized. Why was she not flagged?
  5. COL Njeri Hanes was deeply involved in the Jane Doe case. Her interference with due process has never been scrutinized. Why was she not flagged?
  6. CPT Alexis Markeson is suspected of calling a civilian judge to derail the Jane Doe case. Why in the world has she not been flagged?
  7. Why have all the other people involved in this travesty of justice that took overt steps to deceive and coverup the matter… why in the hell have they not been flagged or held accountable?


At the encouragement of many friends, Jane Doe saved up her money and retained a lawyer. The way this works is that people are prohibited from suing the military until they have first filed a claim against the military.

A lawyer unfamiliar with the ways of the beltway in Washington would not know that, but Jane Doe found a skilled attorney who did. The claim is the first step to ultimately filing a lawsuit in federal court.

Remember you active duty types out there; because of the body of law known as the Feres Doctrine, they are prohibited from suing the military without the military’s permission. This does not apply to civilians.

Read this exquisite piece of legal work by Jane Doe’s attorneys. This is her side of the story and it’s one hell of an interesting read, and may become the basic framework for her federal law suit if the Army fails to take her claim seriously. CLICK HERE: BASIS OF CLAIM

IMPORTANT: If anyone referred to in this article feels they have been wrongfully characterized or maligned in any way whatsoever, we want to hear from you. We have no interest in publishing anything untruthful or misleading.

Our mission has been clear from the beginning, we only want to “Fight for the Truth and Expose the Corrupt.” We do this in the hope that we can fix what is broken. Frequently, truth is elusive. We do our best to vet people, but we don’t have the badges, guns and subpoena power the military has to find the truth.

Sadly, the military tends to use their police power to suppress the truth in order to deceive Congress and the American people.

We therefore, rely on our readers to contact us to set the record straight. With your help, we can find the truth and make our military strong and credible. We believe in “Peace Through Strength,” but we only get our strength from our integrity.

If you are on active duty in the United States military and desire to blow the whistle on malfeasance, we caution you. It’s highly recommended that you to first get out of the service before you become a whistleblower. Use your time in the service to gather evidence of the corruption you wish to report. Evidence could be photos, documents, video, etc.

Remember, the entire military judicial system is designed to favor the government. Brass hats will not hesitate to manipulate the judicial system they control to neutralize and ruin you.

If you have not broken any law or regulation, they tend to fall back on their administrative powers which Congress handed to them in order to destroy you. If you are smart, you will be quiet as a church mouse while on active duty, then contact us the moment you have received your DD-214.

That’s right, we are telling you the smart play is to go-along-to-get-along until you are completely separated from the service.

If you feel the corruption is so severe and needs to be addressed immediately, we are listening and guarantee confidentiality. But for God sakes, don’t give us any information that can lead back to you. We know from decades of experience just how vindictive the military can get.

Keep the faith and know that we are doing our best to protect our military members who just want the system to work correctly.


The Pentagon clearly has difficulty with the concept of equal justice under law. Additionally, the Pentagon has refused to adequately address problems with racism, sexual assaults, domestic violence and child abuse involving military service members. We pray God there is a comeuppance in the form of a major house-cleaning conducted by two billionaires who will undoubtedly celebrate with a victory dance…

(*love-boat photo) – Full disclosure about the “splash” photo showing naked boat-people raising their drinks for a toast…

As far as we know, this is not the boat that belongs to CID Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Battleman. Some say, he doesn’t even own a boat, while others tell us he does have a boat and it’s everything the photo suggests.

Based on the interviews we have conducted, the photo may very well be representative of the type of parties the Battleman is alleged to have conjured up on his lurid Potomac cruises.

Actually, we are told a “Battleman Party” on his boat is far worse than just a bunch of naked people raising a toast to the Army. There are photos out there we are aggressively pursuing. Participants of these parties know the truth.

When we get an authentic photo of Battleman’s “love boat” (something we can actually publish), we will switch it out for the current photo. In the mean time, you get the idea.

If you were an underage person on one of the Army’s love-boat cruises and someone tried to have his/her way with you. Contact us knowing that your information will be kept highly confidential. You can trust us. You cannot trust them!

Remember, no one is investigating the investigators. And, that’s just the way Congress likes it, thank you very much!

Much to no one’s surprise, several generals were allowed to suddenly retire to avoid scrutiny.  If we had Equal Justice Under Law, they should have been flagged for covering up the Jane Doe case. Special Note to America: The United States military invented the two-tiered justice system!