Occasionally, MilitaryCorruption.com receives an email that’s a real barn-burner. We normally do not publish these communiques, but this one took the cake by succinctly describing crimes and the coverup. The culprit is the United States Coast Guard.
For those new to militarycorruption.com, we play a little game with the Pentagon and each branch of military service. They do their level best suppress the truth in order to protect the “good name and reputation” of the military, while we do all we can to divulge the truth.
Truth has a cleansing effect giving each military branch a chance to clean up their act and embrace those things they claim they believe in, honor and integrity. The admirals and generals who march up the Capitol Hill to spew their lies should be deeply ashamed. Sadly, they’re not.
Every damn one of them should be herded off to prison for lying to Congress. A government that believes in integrity would do just that. We won’t hold our breath waiting for accountability with anyone in our government.
The notion that the Pentagon does all it can to protect women on active duty is a canard. Protecting a predator flies in the face of the claim the brass are doing all they can to protect women in the service. The admirals and generals lie to Congress, then the Congress and many in our new media lie to the American people.
Below is the email we received. As you read it, think about what your daughter would be confronted with if she decided to sign on the dotted line in the United States Coast Guard.
The phrase “Moral Rot” has been swimming around my brain these past few weeks, as I imagine it has for many others. If you slap a postiche on the words “Moral Rot” it will morph into someone resembling Master Chief Petty Officer, Guard Reserve (MCPOG-R) Timothy A. Beard.
Tim has over fifteen (15) years under his belt exhibiting behavior that Coast Guard leadership would say they consider reprehensible at the very least. But as a common theme, positional power does not come without the ability to play the game and establish the right “friends” in high places.
This SELF-DESCRIBED “evil genius” rose through the ranks, playing the game and drank with the right crowd all the way to PAC Area and then MCPOCG-R. Even with enormous power and influence, transgressions are destined to come to light eventually.
In March 2024, the very “Committed” Admiral Fagan initiated a hush-hush investigation into MCPOCG-R Beard after reports of sexual harassment, sexual assault, witness intimidation, infidelity, and cronyism were brought to light.
All the top senior enlisted leaders were interviewed during this “admin investigation.” The investigation was wrapped up in less than a month. Timothy Beard was quietly relieved. Less than a month for a top dog.
Senior enlisted witnesses, numerous victims and fifteen (15) years worth of witness testimony were quietly put in a file cabinet (or burned).
How fucked up and CREDIBLE did the findings have to be to result in a relief of duties in under 30 days? To warrant this response surely should have also warranted notification to victims. One would think anyway.
Or, preferred charges to a general court martial, given the current climate to take full advantage of this stellar opportunity to show your commitment to accountability and transparency.
Stalker Beard needed to be held accountable and all the women in the Coast Guard need to know that such behavior will be delt with forthwith.

Why Admiral Fagan didn’t step up to hold a predator accountable is anyone’s guess.
I’d like to assume this was an oversight, and not intentionally done under the radar, so let’s highlight some of what was reported in the spirit of true transparency!
While Beard was deployed for Deepwater Horizon he sexually harassed multiple female members so overtly that orders were cut and he was sent home early. I’ll let you guys guess if there was any documentation of this (hint: there’s not).
The harassment was so overwhelming and outrageous that Beard earned the nickname “Stalker,” especially on this particular deployment.
This nickname was used to warn other female members when potentially at risk in an effort to discreetly sound an alarm. Why was this was enough to be sent home, but not enough to initiate an investigation? It’s because the military gives only lip-service where protecting women is concerned.
Can you imagine women being forced to secretly send each other a coded message to protect them from a senior ranking individual? The lack of leadership in the military knows no bounds. Coast Guard women might as well be working behind enemy lines. The failure of Admiral Fagan to act on this says volumes.
Similarly while deployed with the PSU in Cuba, Timothy A. Beard displayed predatory and stalking behavior, and again sexual harassment to the point people shared an emergency text that contained a single emoji to ask shipmates for help when they were left alone with him.
If you got the emoji, you went to the rescue so the sender was no longer alone. And you made sure to leave the bar or gym in pairs only. Your female members literally had to use the fucking buddy system around the guy. Beard not only overtly hunted his victims, he also engaged in quid pro quo sexual harassment.
Propositioning female members E7-E9 using positional authority and promises of badges and billets for sexual favors, or threatening their careers if they refused. He openly BRAGGED about making these “exchanges” with over 25 women in the Coast Guard.
Imagine spending 15-20 years of your life reaching milestone after milestone, working yourself into the ground, packets, interviews, panels, boards, only to ultimately have to face the realization that some balding chode can decide in a split second what happens next in your career, and that his decision lays solely on whether he can get an hand-job (or worse) from you.
Consent as a result of career fear, perceived obligation, or survival is NOT consent. But Stalker Tim knows that already. Dig deep and figure out what your mommy did to you that made you feel so inadequate that you have to resort to bribes and threats to get affection. Is it a lack of attention growing up? Is it the illusion of power? Let’s get you some help buddy boy.
We are all taught that the further we progress in our careers the higher the standard we are held to. The standard that Timothy A. Beard was held to was so low, it sat on the fucking floor. Next to his old balls and his IQ. (Navy sailors say, “lower than whale turds)
We saw this very clearly when a brave soul came forward and an “investigation” was launched. Immediately following the initiation of the investigation, the good-old-boys swung into action.
MCPOCG Heath Jones sat Beard down and said “I need you to go home and take some leave because you’re under investigation.” Can we hear the whinny of the horses as the Coast Guard begins to circle the wagons to protect one of their own from accountability?
A fucking heads up, Heath? Stalker Beard immediately began calling anyone and everyone to conduct his own “investigation” designed to primarily intimidate victims and witnesses.
As the word spread that he caught wind of the investigation, any victims who were set to be interviewed were now too scared to get involved. Good job, Heath. A little witness tampering never hurt anyone and may be a career enhancing device in the Coast Guard.
Heath gives his two cents again at the Senior Leadership Conference at HQ in April 2024, when he rallied all the gold badges for more closed door commentary, and we are going to direct quote him here folks… “I want to talk about the elephant in the room.”
“Tim Beard is not here with us because he had to take a knee due to an investigation going on. During these hard times let’s remember he is one of us and put our arms around him during his time of need.” Unfortunately his lovely speech did not receive a standing ovation from his audience.
An audience that included SEVEN of Beard’s victims, one of which had to be hospitalized following this meeting. SEVEN gold badges. SEVEN victims in just ONE room. How many more are there for God’s sake?
Beard is a one-man sexual assault epidemic. This fact was so clear to senior leadership that it prompted Heath sending MULTIPLE emails to the badges following the reports reminding them of what conduct is and is not appropriate regardless of his personal commitment to Beard. He’s “one of us” though, right?
Was Heath concerned about misconduct or was he just sending out reminders for people to mind their manners so you don’t have to cover up more shit? That shit can’t be easy.
I mean, it was already a snag when HQ leaked the very discreet decision to relieve Beard two days before you ask his victims to embrace him and then three days after that CGIS agents start knocking on witnesses doors for interviews. (In order to put out the fire, CGIS agents had to find out where the fire was)
We will direct quote them as well “We are here to discuss the investigation involving MC Beard. CGIS had no knowledge of this investigation until yesterday as we were never invited to participate. Now we are here because we view this as a COVER-UP and we have opened a new investigation. We will be taking over.” You guys just can’t catch a break!
CGIS agents using the term “coverup” is extremely telling about the nature in which this was brought to their attention. Adm Fagan tells senators “There are no cover ups that I am aware of” while failing to report allegations of sexual assault harassment against MC Beard to CGIS.
Was it because you hand selected him for that MCPOCG-R role and brought him and Heath with you from PAC AREA? I’d be hard pressed to believe that there were not two leaders more suitable for these roles other than the walking venereal disease Timothy A. Beard and his buddy smooth-brain Jones.
How many bodies have you buried with these guys, Linda? What do they have on you? Why does Beard remain on active duty, with his thumb in his ass at HQ? In what capacity is he “working” up there, what could he possibly be offering our fleet?
You continue to ignore the crimes and actively coverup this cancer which metastasizes into Moral Rot. Your skeletons can only stay in the closet for so long.
Keep up the good work everyone, clearly we are in the best hands possible! Looking forward to more stellar leadership from our top brass. Really inspiring stuff.
Look to when Stalker Beard was deployed to Cuba. This was 20-ish years ago. I remember he brought with him a satellite phone that he took on deployment (high tech stuff back then). Beard put some high-dollar minutes on it probably to enable him to call women other than his wife.
If even half of this letter is true, Master Chief Timothy A. Beard (along with all those who actively attempted to protect him) should have been sent to a general court martial and each given a Dishonorable Discharge from the Coast Guard service.
This story touches a nerve with us, because one of our most highly respected members of MilitaryCorruption.com was tossed out of the Navy. His admin chief caught the commanding officer paying 800 naval reservists for work they never did.
The chief was thrown in a military mental hospital on trumped up allegations. The lieutenant received a felony conviction and a Dishonorable Discharge for a single count of fraternization and a travel claim for $75.51. It wasn’t about the women, it was the millions of dollars in misappropriated funds from the U.S. Treasury that explains the heavy-handed retaliation by the United States Navy.
So, where is Congress in this Timothy A. Beard case? Didn’t the Framers task Congress to be overseers of the military? Congress is supremely derelict in their duties as well.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we spend our precious time reporting about the never-ending river of malfeasance occurring in United States military on a daily basis. Lives are being destroyed, while other lives and careers are not being protected from predators like Timothy A. Beard.
Keep those cards and letters coming in. We will continue the fight for military reform. In the mean time, we suggest hiding your wives, sisters and girl friends. Discourage any female from entering the United States military until real substantive reforms are made law.
It begs the question, how many other sexual predators has the military, specifically the Coast Guard, been protecting? How many victims and witnesses have had their lives and careers adversely affected?
If anyone referred to in this article feels they have been wrongfully characterized or maligned in any way whatsoever, we want to hear from you. We have no interest in publishing anything untruthful or misleading.
Our mission has been clear from the beginning, we only want to “Fight for the Truth and Expose the Corrupt.” We do this in the hope that we can fix what is broken. Frequently, truth is elusive. We do our best to vet people, but we don’t have the badges, guns and subpoena power the military has to find the truth.
Sadly, the military tends to use their police power to suppress the truth and deceive the American people.
We therefore, rely on our readers to contact us to set the record straight. With your help, we can find the truth and make our military strong and credible. We believe in “Peace Through Strength,” but we only get our strength from our integrity.
If you are on active duty in the United States military and desire to blow the whistle on malfeasance, we caution you. It’s highly recommended that you to first get out of the service before you become a whistleblower. Use your time in the service to gather evidence of the corruption you wish to report. Evidence could be photos, documents, video, etc.
Remember, the entire military judicial system is designed to favor the government. Brass hats will not hesitate to manipulate the judicial system they control to neutralize you as a threat to their power. They ruin the lives and careers of people everyday. They’re good at it.
If you have not broken any law or regulation, they tend to fall back on their administrative powers which Congress handed to them in order to destroy you. If you are smart, you will be quiet as a church mouse while on active duty, then contact us the moment you have received your DD-214 and officially become a civilian.
That’s right, we are telling you the smart play is to go-along-to-get-along until you are completely separated from the service.
If you feel the corruption is so severe and needs to be addressed immediately, we are listening and guarantee confidentiality. But for God sakes, don’t give us any information that can lead back to you. We know from decades of experience just how vindictive the military can get.
Keep the faith and know that we are doing our best to protect our military members who just want the system to work correctly.