It's not about fairness, justice, or equal justice under law, it's about political correctness, concealing fraud from the American civilian population and absolute control. Basically it's about protecting my fucking ass.

Before addressing the military’s inability to reach any of their recruiting goals, we first want to briefly touch upon the historic election which is at our doorstep and also mention the pathetic military judicial system which should be a reason not to enter military service.

When people enter the military, they surrender their civil rights and many protections from the United States Constitution. They are no long part of the democracy, they simply work for the democracy. People don’t want to hear that, but it’s the truth.

Hundreds of people are now in military prisons who by entering military service allowed self-serving flag officers and career biased military jurors the awesome power to destroy their lives. A less-than-honorable discharge is a life sentence – good luck with finding gainful employment in America.

For those who don’t know, “flag-officers” are the admirals and generals who run the military, a high percentage of which are people devoid of basic integrity and honor.

We are seven days away from a turning-point election in America. has a unique perspective on what is at stake, and we are at peace with all of it. The American people have a simple decision to make. Do they want socialism or capitalism? Do they want free stuff from the government, or a merit based system?

Do the American people want one-party rule like California for all of America? California is where the gas prices, taxes, crime, shortages, censorship and many of its citizens are high all the time? favors capitalism. Milton Friedman described the difference between socialism and capitalism this way…

We at are primarily interested in the plight of our military members; how they are treated and mistreated, how they are equipped, and how they are trained. People sometimes forget, the primary mission of the military is to break things and kill people.

The secondary mission is to become so lethal, that our mere presence serves as a deterrence to any evil aggressor. But there needs to be people of integrity in our government who do not allow our military to be used so some oil company can gain control of oil rich lands, or some EV manufacturer who needs precious metals to manufacture electric vehicles mandated by the government.

In other words the military must not be used to help the titans of industry go from billions to trillions in personal wealth. Money is indeed the root of all evil.

Any deviation from the primary mission is a distraction that erodes military effectiveness and places the lives of our service men and women in greater jeopardy and accordingly, places all Americans in greater danger.

The military system was designed to assert maximum control on a group of people so when the admiral or general says jump, they don’t say how high, they just do it immediately and without question. Problems result when the admiral or general is concealing fraud so he or she can get another star their shoulder.

Since many people during this political fight are invoking the name of Adolph Hitler in the run up to the election, it’s important to realize the lethality of the German Wehrmacht was because of their strict loyalty to their Fuhrer.

The German mechanized war machine was the most lethal military in the world. Unfortunately, it was based on evil and caused the death of millions of people.


We want an professional American military with the highest lethality in order to put down the evil of the world, to remove, destroy and bring to justice the despots of the world who seek power for power sake.

The erosion of integrity in our military is of deep concern.  Admirals and generals are “above the laws” they impose on everyone else. That “Equal Justice Under Law” credo only applies to the civilians guarded by the military. Given the obvious “lawfare” in civilian courts, we’re not sure it exists there either.

It cracks us up that so many civilians complain about a multi-tiered judicial system, when the military has had a multi-tiered judicial system going back to George Washington. Again, the entire purpose of a manipulative judicial system is to abandon the rule-of-law in favor of preserving power and control.

The military uses their little closed judicial system to solidify their political power and to conceal and protect their ingrained corruption and fraud. Case in point; Navy Chief Petty Officer Michael Tufariello (ret.) who lives in Carrollton, Texas.

When Tufariello discovered the commanding officer was paying hundreds of naval reservists for work they never did and for drills they never attended, he blew the whistle. It was an example of massive payroll fraud and a clear example a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Instead of commending the chief, the gravy Navy threw him in the psych ward on trumped-up accusations to neutralize his attempt to expose their criminal misconduct. Instead of court-martialing five unscrupulous naval officers, the commanding officer decided to throw Chief Tufariello in the mental ward of a military hospital.

Congress allowed the military to have…

  • their own little court system,
  • their own little judges,
  • their own little prosecutors,
  • their own prison system,
  • their own appellant courts,
  • their own hand-picked jurors (whose work-performance evaluations are approved of by the convening authority),
  • their own special agent investigators,
  • their own secret police force,

… So what can go wrong?

Make no mistake, for the military it’s all about ABSOLUTE CONTROL and to hell with Equal Justice Under Law. Those are just words on the facia of a building in Washington.

Military control freaks originally installed a law saying that only eight of twelve (67%) of jurors in a military court were needed to obtained a conviction. Later, someone in the Pentagon decided that nine of twelve jurors (75%) were all that was needed to obtain a near 100% conviction rate from a military jury.

In stark contrast, civilian juries must have all of the jurors (100%) to obtain a conviction especially on capital crimes. The civilian requirement that all jurors must agree yields about a 66% conviction rate in the civilian courts depending on the skill of the prosecutors.

We wonder; how many service members served (or are currently serving) time in prison who were actually innocent of the crime? And, those who were too clean for a court martial, we ask, how many were thrown out of the military with a Less-Than-Honorable discharge?

And the others in prison, how many were over-sentenced? Instead of receiving one month, they got ten years. Over-sentencing happens frequently because military jury members know the general who convened the court is also writing up and/or approving their work performance evaluations.

Remember, a military officer can receive a felony conviction, two years in Leavenworth and a Dishonorable Discharge for slapping an enlisted woman on the back, calling her by her first name and buying her a beer. In the UCMJ it’s called fraternization.

The officer could be in the reserves and doesn’t have to have sex with her to get that conviction either. You don’t think that has ever happened? You folks don’t know the kinds of people who run our military.

We continually are reminded of numerous egregious cases we have reported on in the past …

    • Syneeda Penland,
    • Brandon Caserta,
    • Keith Barry,
    • Ed Eaton,
    • Kristian Saucier,
    • Ray Olafson,
    • Heath Phillips,
    • Thomas Traylor,
    • Justin Harts,
    • John E. Hatley,
    • Carmen Ironhawk,
    • Ronald Coyle,
    • Erik Burris,
    • Clarence Anderson,
    • Dan Wilson, etc. etc.

Here’s the conundrum; we want and need a lethal military, but we also believe (or should believe) in Equal Justice.

We want a ground force  that can utterly destroy the enemy within hours. We want an air force that totally rules the skies. We want a Navy that can sink any opposing fleet to keep the sea lanes open and free for commerce and trade.

Innocent service members should not be arbitrarily tossed in prison to silence and discredit them for blowing the whistle on criminal misconduct.

That is wrong and it must be stopped. The military policy of “different spanks for different ranks” is antithetical to Equal Justice Under Law.

Can we have a lethal military, and also have a system of justice that is fair and just? It’s not rocket science. Any system of justice must have commanders who have a modicum of honesty and integrity for it to even come close to working right.

How many instances of unlawful command influence (UCI) by the admirals and generals have occurred since our founding? We have no idea because Congress has happily allowed the military to conceal that information up as well.

If we can put people on the moon fifty-five (55) years ago, we surely have the brain power to create a military judicial system that has a hell of a lot more integrity that it does now. For starters we could attack UCI and stop this insane policy of giving the admirals and generals a pass when violating law.

Call us crazy, but “Equal Justice Under Law” should apply to everyone in the military as well.

If you want socialism or capitalism, then vote accordingly. In our long life, we have discovered the Americans will ultimately get the government they deserve because they made the mistake of believing a corrupt news media.


Most young people don’t give the failings of the military judicial system a second thought until they are in the military. By then, it’s too late. So why is the military having some much trouble recruiting raw meat for the military sausage machine.

We have all seen and heard the various discussions about the poor recruitment numbers across all branches of the military, and depending on who attempts to explain or excuse the significant lack of desire to join the military, we ask our readers to take a look at the below screenshot of a recent text message exchange between an Army recruiter and a high school senior.

Text message exchange between an Army recruiter and a high school senior

We have verified the screenshot of the text conversation with the parents of the high school senior and have their permission to share it. recommends that no one enter the military until meaningful reforms are made.

As you can see from the text message, the Army recruiter tries to entice the senior about various programs and benefits, but the response by the senior, is a feeling that is shared by many who opt NOT to join the military in its current state and with its current leadership.

That succinct and brutally honest response by the high school student IS the primary reason for the lack of recruitment numbers.

This high school student is athletic, intelligent, and possesses a keen level of common sense, the precise qualities of a potential military recruit.

Unfortunately, but only 27% of potential military aged recruits would even qualify for military service, due to obesity, poor school grades, gang affiliation, criminal history, drug use, and/or otherwise ‘woke’ attitudes.

The high school senior in the above example, understandably never received a response from the Army recruiter.

The military’s number one priority right now, that prioritizes skin color over merit and competence and its almost religious adherence to DEI, CRT, and transgender issues, to the point of almost engaging in cult like behavior.

Recently, Daily Wire Podcaster Matt Walsh posted a video explaining some of the reasons for the dismal numbers of Army recruitment.

The 16-minute video is worth your time to view and be prepared for some very cringe moments. It is also recommended that you take a look at some of the comments which almost all share a similar take on military service.

More information and evidence can be found in a Tennessee Star article by Victor Davis Hanson. CLICK HERE for the article…


Victor Davis Hanson is one of world’s foremost authorities on military history, penned an article in 2022, and provided valuable insight on many of the reasons for the general decline of the state of the military and the dismal numbers of military recruitment.

In the article, Dr. Hanson said…

“….. traditional military families are not sending their sons and daughters into the ranks. It is not the danger of combat or the rigor of military life that families fear, but the suspicion their offspring will be targeted for ideological indoctrination and coercion that is either extraneous or antithetical to military efficacy.”

Several young servicemembers have shared their experiences about their never ending and delusional stream of indoctrinations regarding their ‘privilege,’ (whatever that means) briefings about ‘transgenders,’ and the proper use of ‘preferred pronouns.’

Do those delusions have anything to do with military readiness and lethality? How many millions of dollars are flushed down the toilet with these nonsensical indoctrinations?

While anyone can do a basic Internet search on the reasons or opinions of why the military has been so decimated resulting in an abysmal rate of sufficient military recruitment, it seems that a high school senior most certainly has figured it out. A vast numbers of military and Pentagon leaders, with their impressive Ivy League educations simply cannot.

Recently, The Daily Caller published an article, after having been stonewalled for months, regarding documents outlining the methods of reducing the number of ROTC candidates and white male pilots in the Air Force.

CLICK HERE for the article:

New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

Below is an excerpt from that article and readers are encouraged to view the article, the links and review the comments as they paint a very dire picture for the current and future state of military efficiency and readiness.

In January of this year a congressional subcommittee was convened and heard testimony from Former U.S. Space Force Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier who stated, “The DEI agenda being forced into military procedure has opened the door for race and sex-based quotas superseding the merit-based system. This is a direct factor in the growing issue of the U.S. military missing recruiting targets.”

CLICK HERE for the article:

DoD’s Progressive Agenda Hinders U.S. Military Readiness

Any high-ranking DoD, military leader or elected official who attempts a ‘word salad’ about the dismal state of the current social experimentation of the United States Military, perhaps listening to the words of a teenage high school senior might be a better option.

Former Air Force LTC Matthew Lohmeier appeared before Congress to testify on whether ‘The Color Of Your Skin Matters When You’re In The Trenches?’…

Get all your snacks ready. The election and perhaps several months later will be very interesting. Our government really doesn’t want the American people to know who won the election on election night… they prefer to string it out for as long as possible.

This way they can count the votes over and over until they yield the desired result (for the government).

Our message to all young men and women everywhere; do not consider for a moment any vocation that requires a uniform. Do not become a police officer when 50% of America wants to defund the police and allow for wholesale looting of retail stores.

Don’t think about entering the military until meaningful reforms are made to their judicial system. It’s wrong to convict an innocent person. It’s also wrong to allow the criminals to retire to avoid prosecution.

If you care about your life and future… stay the fuck out of the military until changes are made. The corruption in the military is beyond description.

IMPORTANT: If anyone referred to in this article feels they have been wrongfully characterized or maligned in any way whatsoever, we want to hear from you. We have no interest in publishing anything untruthful or misleading.

Our mission has been clear from the beginning, we only want to “Fight for the Truth and Expose the Corrupt.” We do this in the hope that we can fix what is broken. Frequently, truth is elusive. We do our best to vet people, but we don’t have the badges, guns and subpoena power the military has to find the truth.

Sadly, the military tends to use their police power to suppress the truth in order to deceive Congress and the American people.

We therefore, rely on our readers to contact us to set the record straight. With your help, we can find the truth and make our military strong and credible. We believe in “Peace Through Strength,” but we only get our strength from our integrity.

If you are on active duty in the United States military and desire to blow the whistle on malfeasance, we caution you. It’s highly recommended that you to first get out of the service before you become a whistleblower. Use your time in the service to gather evidence of the corruption you wish to report. Evidence could be photos, documents, video, etc.

Remember, the entire military judicial system is designed to favor the government. Brass hats will not hesitate to manipulate the judicial system they control to neutralize and ruin you.

If you have not broken any law or regulation, they tend to fall back on their administrative powers which Congress handed to them in order to destroy you. If you are smart, you will be quiet as a church mouse while on active duty, then contact us the moment you have received your DD-214.

That’s right, we are telling you the smart play is to go-along-to-get-along until you are completely separated from the service.

If you feel the corruption is so severe and needs to be addressed immediately, we are listening and guarantee confidentiality. But for God sakes, don’t give us any information that can lead back to you. We know from decades of experience just how vindictive the military can get.

Keep the faith and know that we are doing our best to protect our military members who just want the system to work correctly.