The Biden Administration is trying to stop payment of damages from a 2017 church shooting in Texas after the Air Force was found at least 60% responsible. They’re OK with leaving the Taliban $80 Billion in sensitive military equipment, but compensating people for a screw up in Texas by the Air Force is apparently out of the question.
The shooter was a former member of the United States Air Force. Devin Kelly received a court martial and bad conduct discharge following his assault of his wife and child. The Air Force failed to enter his name in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) computer database, which would have prevented Kelly from legally purchasing weapons after leaving the military.
Fortunately, Kelly was shot and killed by armed civilians before he could murder any more people.
For some odd reason, President Biden is doing what he can to prevent the victims from receiving any government compensation, even though the Air Force was blatantly complicit by failing to report Kelly’s conviction to the NCIC. Their failure enabled the shooter to buy his weapons and murder people.
Given the current events surrounding attempts at gun control and weakening 2nd Amendment rights, this is timely information indeed.
When the government fails in its duty to protect citizens, it needs to be held accountable. New laws are not needed. Existing laws need to be enforced.
If ever there was an example of dereliction of duty by the Air Force, it’s this one. And, in typical fashion, no one was ever held accountable. People are dead an no one in the Air Force received even a letter of reprimand.
The blood of those people is on the hands of the United States Air Force. And, shame is on the Biden Administration who are doing their level best to prevent any compensation for damages to the victims of this horrible crime.
Next, let’s address the never-ending hit parade of admirals and generals who should be serving time in Ft. Leavenworth, and every damn one of ’em should not have received an Honorable Discharge. The whole military judicial system is a sham and lacks even basic integrity.
The admirals and generals of the American military consider themselves above the law… and that’s because they are. The United States government is just fine with it, thank you very much.
Lieutenant General “Cut-and-Paste” Andre F. Piggee
United States Army

Lt. General Andre F. Piggee could barely read or write. But, people throughout his military career covered for him. They made sure the general’s correspondence appeared to be from someone who received the Nobel Prize in Literature.
When Piggee’s illiteracy compelled him to commit an illegal act of fraud, his friends in the upper echelons of the United States Army were still covering for him.
Lt. Colonel Andre Piggee enrolled in the Army’s famed War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Being a student, Piggee had a dilemma. He couldn’t find anyone to write his thesis for him, which was required for graduation.
This is when Lt. Col. Andre Piggee became known as Mr. “Cut-and-Paste.” Piggee went on a cut-and-paste terror campaign, finishing his thesis in record time, while the other war college students struggled hour upon hour, frequently burning the midnight oil.
Apparently, the folks at the war college either didn’t suspect anything, even though paragraphs were pieced together in a haphazard and disjointed fashion, or they too helped to cover Piggee’s illiteracy.
Lt. Col. Andre Piggee proudly submitted his fraudulent nonsensical thesis constructed together with lines a phrases that evolved into a variant form of stolen valor.
His thesis and resulting graduation worked it’s magic, however. Piggee went on to bigger and better things rising up to the rank of lieutenant general in the United States Army, with his posse of accomplices helping him to conceal the fact he was unable to construct a simple memo.
Piggee was not only in the Army, but he had a personal army of subordinates helping to cover his inability to construct two sentences together in a coherent manner. It’s not that Piggee was merely illiterate, but the man was an out and out fraud.
The Army, both real and clandestine covered his tracks for decades, promoted Piggee to nearly the highest rank in the United States Army. There were numerous complicit accomplices protecting the general’s career, so they could protect their own.
The coverup of Piggee’s inabilities included powerful friends like the Army’s Inspector General (Koala Bear Smith) who knew all about Piggee’s proclivity to cut-and-paste. The IG was notified of Piggee’s fraudulent thesis, but covered for him anyway. The new Army mantra, never leave a dumbbell behind.
REF: https://militarycorruption.com/smitty-chronicles-chapter-3/
MilitaryCorruption.com exposed Piggee’s “cut-and-paste” ways in several articles (https://militarycorruption.com/?s=piggee), and it wasn’t too long before we heard Piggee was busted a star down to major general and quietly retired out of the military’s face-saving back door.
This so-called “punishment” may have been a rouse. Later we heard that Piggee may not have been demoted at all. Was Piggee’s demotion a lie to deceive the American public and protect the retirement paycheck of “Cut-and-Paste” Piggee. We don’t know for sure. Here’s what we do know…
The Army War College was so embarrassed at all of this, they sent workmen out in the middle of the night (on a weekend) to grind Piggee’s name off of the huge brass plaque that proudly displays the names of all of the graduates from the prestigious war college.
If any other officer had done the same thing, they would have been lowered in rank back to the rank they held when the crime was committed and a general court martial would have been convened. They surely would not have received an Honorable Discharge like Piggee did.
One of our readers sent us this…
I just saw an announcement that Aundre Piggee was selected for the board of advisors of United Dynamics Inc. Another golden parachute for a former Army general officer who left the service in disgrace. The announcement also mentions his former rank as lieutenant general.
The announcement said, “United Dynamics is pleased to announce that the former US Army Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army for Logistics (G-4) and LTG, Aundre Piggee, has joined our Board of Advisors. His wealth of experience will be pivotal in bringing both Aerospace and Defense sector work to United Dynamics and Oklahoma!! Please join me in welcoming him to the team!”
So, it begs the question. Did the Army lie to everyone and actually retire Piggee as a lieutenant general, or did Piggee lie to United Dynamics about his actual rank at retirement?
It’s possible that Piggee was asked by United Dynamics, “What’s the highest rank you held in the Army?” If Piggee said, “Lieutenant General,” that wouldn’t be a lie, would it?
Yes, it’s still a lie, it’s a lie of omission, because he did not tell the whole truth that a truly honorable man would have done. It’s the type of lie the American people are subjected to by their news media outlets and a 24-hour basis, the lie of omission.
Or did United Dynamics just look the other way on Piggee’s actual rank he left the service with so they could use Piggee as a promotional clown on their Board of Directors to give them more perceived credibility?
We are told that United Dynamics is advertising Piggee as a lieutenant general. Even more interesting is that the guy who replaced Piggee as the Army G4, Duane Gamble, was also relieved. The last two Army G4s relieved is a very bad track record for Army leadership (if there is any).
Inquiring minds want to know. If any of our readers have definitive information, let us know.
Major General Jimmy “The Child Molester” Grazioplene
United States Army

How could we leave this scumbag general’s name off the list. For pretty much ten years or so, this piece of crapola was raping his own daughter. At a minimum, there were numerous counts of statutory rape.
Over the years, his daughter would tell people who either didn’t believe her or didn’t want to believe her and the sexual assaults continued. His crimes were being concealed by the United States Army.
Finally, the heat began to rise and the Army tapped their usual play book… deny, deny, deny then quietly retire the POS general out the back door.
Grazioplene made it into retirement and thought the coast was clear, but a civilian district attorney would not play the Army’s game of protecting the protected military class of admirals and generals.
Now, Major General Grazioplene didn’t have the military to protect his ass anymore and was convicted by a civilian court.
An embarrassed United States Army finally decided to take action and pulled Major General scumbag Grazioplene back on active duty to be court martialed. Even so, the United States Army wasn’t finished trying to protect the child-molesting major general.
Army leaders conjured up a plan to get Grazioplene a retirement pension and an Honorable Discharge to boot. If you recall the Piggee matter, the Army went back to the drawing board and discovered the molestations (sounds like infestations) began when he was a 2nd lieutenant.
So, the sneaky damn Army busted the major general down to the rank of 2nd lieutenant and gave him an Honorable Discharge with an Army pension as a second lieutenant having 30 years of military service. At least that’s the way we heard it…. if any of our readers have more information, please contact us.
The POS (piece of shit) retired second lieutenant is, no doubt, is filing claims with the Veterans Administration for PTSD to get that coveted 100% disability rating to add to his 30-year second lieutenant pension.
While the POS 2nd louie did receive punishment, it wasn’t nearly what it could or should have been. Remember, we have a Navy pilot on our staff who received a Dishonorable Discharge, no pension and felony conviction for dating an enlisted woman in the naval reserves. Ah, such is the multi-tiered military judicial system.
The military double standards is on display for anyone who cares about the military’s disproportionate justice system. The United States military, specifically the United States Army has absolutely no integrity whatsoever and should be ashamed. They won’t of course, because they have no shame.
REF: https://militarycorruption.com/?s=chester+the+molester
Brigadier General Joshua M. Olsen
United States Air Force

On Memorial Day, 2022, our troops celebrated and recognized the sacrifices of their predecessors all over the world.
Our WOKE military attempted to use Memorial Day to make their civilian task masters happy.
During the Memorial Day celebrations at Ramstein AFB in Germany, some brilliant piece of work came up with a special story telling adventure called ‘Drag Queen Story Time for Kids.’
We believe BG Olsen was in charge when his minions attempted to teach the kids all about the drag queen lifestyle through the façade of story-telling.
After all, a gesture of WOKENESS would surely make the White House and Congress happy, and consequently, maybe Brigadier General Olsen would get another star on his shoulder.
That’s all it takes in our new WOKE military to get promoted to the next higher rank is to let a drag queen teach the children why it’s important to question their sexuality. Brilliant, just fucking brilliant.
Well, apparently U.S. Senator Marco Rubio would have none of it. The senator let the Air Force know they were messing with the primeval forces of nature, meaning him and his staff.
And, wadayaknow, the “Drag Queen Story Time for Kids” was suddenly canceled, at least for now. So, why do the people who conjured up this ridiculous way for the Air Force to honor or fallen sailors, soldiers and Marines still have a job? Is that what they think Memorial Day is all about?
In the words of James Howard Kunstler…
“Of course, we have not begun to probe what might animate a man to present himself to the world as a monstrous parody of a woman. Suffice it to say that such behavior suggests some complicated psychodynamics. And why, exactly, are they suddenly on-display so extravagantly now across the country, supposedly for the edification of children? I’ll tell you why: It’s not actually for the sake of the children. The children are just pawns in what is actually a national political psychodrama. Or rather, they are hostages.”
Major General Paul C. Hurley
United States Army

REF: https://militarycorruption.com/?s=hurley
Hurley allegedly made one of his subordinates pregnant.
Rumor had it the civilians on the base decided to do whatever they could to remove the major general because he was beginning to make changes they didn’t like.
The real mystery is what happened to MG Hurley.
The Army snuck him out of the service in a clandestine way and we are still wondering what happened to the major general.
Was he a good guy who was smeared by the civilian mafia on base, then run out of town on a rail? Or, was he just another scumbag Army general who thought he was above the law? You know the type. They court martial people for the same things they do themselves on any given day.
If anyone out there knows the backstory behind Major General Hurley, feel free to let us know.
Major General “piece of work” Bill Cooley
United States Air Force

This one is a messy one. Bill Cooley apparently has a drinking problem and got severely drunk and attempted to hit on his sister-in-law. She accused the major general of sexually assaulting her in 2018.
The victim sister-in-law said the major general grew more physically affectionate, going from brief hugs to full embraces. Certain interactions unnerved her she said.
Cooley sometimes kissed the top of her head and smelled her hair (whoops, does that sound familiar? Remember the hair smelling tirades by our own Joe Biden?); The hair smelling incident occurred during a hug, which made her so uncomfortable that she told her husband.
Cooley purportedly kissed and fondled his sister-in-law without her consent in August 2018 after a barbecue at her home. The major general was in the Albuquerque area for work at Kirtland Air Force Base and arrived early to spend the weekend with “family” and friends.
On Aug. 12, 2018, Cooley stayed late after the barbecue to drink bourbon with others around a fire. He had spent time with his family in their backyard pool, snacking on chips and salsa and enjoying the summer sun.
To make a long story short, the major general was out of fucking control. He didn’t stop with the hair smelling, he grabbed her crotch and did other things to get his sister-in-law in the sack.
Amazingly, the Air Force decided to court martial Wild Bill Cooley. Dan Conway said, “It’s difficult to pick a jury from a pool of officers whose career progression depends on the approval of a Senate that expends significant energy excoriating them about sexual assault,”
The court martial was the first one ever against a flag-ranking officer in the United States Air Force. While the other services have court martialed flag ranking officers, they let about 99% slip out the back door into retirement without any legal proceeding or even a credible investigation.
After about five hours of deliberation, Colonel Christina Jimenez — the chief circuit military judge with the Air Force Trial Judiciary, Western Circuit, at Travis Air Force Base, California — ruled Cooley was guilty of forcibly kissing the woman, the first specification in a single charge of abusive sexual contact. He is not guilty of two other specifications of groping her and moving her hand to touch his genitals over his clothes, she said.
On April 26, 2022, Maj. Gen. William Cooley was sentenced for the crime of abusive sexual contact. Military judge Col. Christina Jimenez ordered that he forfeit $10,910 per month of his pay for five months and receive a written reprimand. The major general, as far as we know, received an honorable discharge from the United States Air Force.
From one of our readers:
Somewhere in the bowels of my old files lies a “bio” which was customarily circulated to officers when a new lead/director came on board. Then Colonel Cooley, was gathering his nomination papers together to enter the ultimate good old boys club and become a brigadier general.
While the GO (general officer) package was being assembled, Cooley’s bio showed he had a Korean service medal.
Problem was he never was assigned for the requisite time to have received the medal. To my knowledge, he was never assigned there, but the nomination package for general officer stated he had it. I am sure he probably went TDY to the peninsula having been in as long as he has.
He was notorious for running LTs out of the AF for myriad reasons. If there was justice in the military justice system, he would have been busted down to captain (or lower), and I would have loved being given the opportunity to escort his sorry ass to Leavenworth.
Discovery Channel is releasing a new documentary about a forgotten and ugly piece of US military history. Edgewood Experiments:
The Army is extending recruiters’ tours of duty to attempt to bring more troops in the ranks. The combination of less physically fit candidates coupled with public knowledge of the military’s woke culture is making the armed forces less appealing than in the past.
As we have mentioned before and along with some of our retired readers, we strongly advise against joining the military for the reasons mentioned above.
There’s news about a proposed policy by the new WOKE Army about “compassionate reassignment.”
This means basically a soldier stationed in a conservative state such as Texas, Oklahoma, or South Dakota could request transfer if he, she, or whatever pronoun they use these days claims that state’s laws are deemed “threatening.”
I can almost guarantee such a policy won’t be used to help a soldier stationed in a leftist state like California who doesn’t fall in line with California’s laws.
One of our loyal readers said, “In my career in the military, I was stationed in states where the locals didn’t agree with my political or religious views. I did my best to work with everyone, knowing we were all Americans and my oath to defend our nation didn’t exclude anybody.”
Source: https://www.theblaze.com/news/army-considering-policy-reassignment-discrimination-local-laws
Major and JAG officer “Sticky Fingers” Dan Johnson
United States Army

Who can forget this gem of a guy?
MilitaryCorruption.com decided to add Dan Johnson’s name to the list because there is some movement going on concerning this ethically, morally and legally challenged former army major.
Yeah, this story is one that will drop your jaw to the ground, so fasten your seatbelts and here we go…
Major Dan Johnson had the world by the ass. He was king of all he surveyed. He graduated from the mighty Citadel and went on to get his law degree.
Johnson was a reservist in the Air National Guard of South Carolina and a JAG officer, but for is day job, he was elected as the solicitor (district attorney) of Richland and Kershaw Counties in South Carolina.
He was being paid by the military for his weekend drills and also being paid by the people of South Carolina as the chief law enforcement officer for two counties.
Unfortunately, Johnson either turned greedy or was always greedy and no one knew it. He also liked to play with the wives of other men. One of those men was a former Army captain who never took any prisoners, if you get my meaning.
The angry husband went on the war path, doing all he could to expose the philandering county solicitor, Dan “can I diddle with your wife” Johnson.
It turns out, that while this may have been a noble quest, it wasn’t the smartest move to go up against an ethically and morally challenged county solicitor who’s buddy was the equally challenged Sheriff Leon Lott of Richland County, South Carolina.
Then one day, county solicitor Dan Johnson had enough. According to the angry husband, Johnson conspired with Sheriff Leon Lott to wrongfully imprison the husband on trumped up charges.
There are suspicions the sheriff or his minions at the behest of the corrupt solicitor sent goons over to set fire to the husband’s home. It turns out the husband’s landlord was a former police officer who had close to ten other properties destroyed by fire.
The husband told us he suspected it was most probably an insurance defrauding scheme. But even that did not dissuade the husband from speaking out about the scumbag solicitor who was turning curly ques under the sheets with the Army captain’s wife.

And get this, to ensure the husband didn’t pose any more problems, Sheriff Leon Lott and Dan Johnson apparently conspired to toss the angry hubby in jail on bogus charges.
He languish for nearly two years in jail while the county solicitor continued screwing his wife, this time without any interference from her upset husband.
It wasn’t until nearly two years later that the Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court intervened. The Chief Justice basically said, “either charge him and take him to trial, or release him immediately.”
Two years of false imprisonment, and no one was ever held accountable.
Then, it took five more years to get his record expunged. They wanted to make sure he had difficulty getting a job, which is always difficult when future employers see you’ve done two years behind bars. They automatically assume you are the criminal, and not the solicitor and county sheriff.
Pause for a moment and consider the outrageous arrogance of that, throwing a woman’s husband in jail so you could have uninterrupted weekend sexual romps without your own wife knowing about it. She was told they were just required business trips.
Then when you get back in town, you submit your transportation, hotel and meal receipts to both the county and the military for payment in a double billing scheme. And, when the S.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice finally is forced to intervene, the victimized husband is finally let out of jail with a criminal record.
Welcome to the People’s Republic of South Carolina.
Fate finally caught up to the scumbag solicitor. He was arrested for double billing the county and the military for the same trips. He simply made copies of the receipts of those trips and turned them into both the S.C. Air National Guard and Richland County for double payment.
He got laid and paid on a regular basis, courtesy of the taxpayers of Richland and Kershaw Counties and the South Carolina Air National Guard.
The good old boys organized to protect their beleaguered scumbag solicitor as best they could. First Dan Johnson was replaced by a complicit solicitor (Byron Gipson) who refused to file charges for violations of state law against former solicitor Dan Johnson. As far as we know, they didn’t even launched an investigation into his criminal misconduct.
The military also took a powder. They turned the Major Dan Johnson case over to the U.S. Attorney’s office so JAG officer and Army Major Dan Johnson could not be held accountable for those charges particular to the military. You know, “conduct unbecoming” and “dereliction of duty” etc. etc.
The military overtly took steps to protect the scumbag major by transferring his case to the U.S. Attorney thereby reducing the number of potential military charges that could have sent the philandering and pilfering Army major to Ft. Leavenworth.
Then, the State of South Carolina quietly, without anyone knowing about it, dropped all charges against Johnson. He had not only violated federal laws, but he had also broken a plethora of South Carolina laws.
And to top it all off, the Army who usually red flags someone’s file that is suspected of criminal misconduct, elected to allow Johnson to separate from the service with an Honorable Discharge.
Bottom line; very little justice occurred. The good old boys helped Dan Johnson as best they could and they continue to help him as he begins the arduous task of cleaning up his name and reputation.
This thing is not over yet… stay tuned.

The Air Force is apparently attempting to railroad Captain Dominique Collier out of the service with an OTH or a General, depending on how they feel that particular day.
This story is a complicated one which distilled down involves a multitude of falsified documents, lies and innuendo.
Capt. Collier was falsely accused of becoming pregnant by a NFL football player, who rumor has it, is considering a lawsuit against those who have slandered him.
Then the Air Force accused Capt. Collier of falsely stating she was pregnant when she was not. The Air Force claims she falsely stated she was pregnant to get out of a deployment.
Our staff at Military Corruption is assembling evidence and hope to expose the corruption by an entire chain of command.
Right now she is under the gun. Maybe the Air Force with think better of it, when we provide documentary proof of the malfeasance of numerous people in her chain of command. Then again, the military tends to wrongfully destroy one person in order to save several others with dirty hands.
As a side note, that’s exactly what happened to Navy Chief Petty Officer Michael Tufariello when he caught his command paying reservists for drills they never attended in a massive payroll fraud scheme. Instead of holding five naval officers accountable, they chose to throw Tufariello in a mental hospital to discredit his attempts to expose the corruption on the base.
We are gathering information concerning the Air Force attempt to cover their behinds in the Capt. Collier Case. So far we are looking at the involvement by the following individuals…
SMSgt. Mosley (now retired),
Major General Jeffery Pennington,
Colonel Buchanon,
CMSgt. Chief Nunez,
Lt. General Scobee,
Major Vernicia Edmond,
Colonel Alexis Stackhouse,
Major General Burger,
General “downtown” Charlie Brown.
Robert Conrady who was transferred from Ft. Leavenworth to Federal Prison in Lompoc, California. His story is very interesting indeed as are many others who are currently serving time in Federal Prison courtesy of the United States military.
You’ve heard it said, “everyone in prison always says they are innocent.” Well, a significant number of people who have been court martialed by the military actually are innocent, or were terribly over-sentenced. Instead of getting six months, they get ten years. Such cases demand a call for military judicial reform.
We unfortunately cannot help everyone who have been wronged by the military, but we are watching cases and listen to each individual’s story. Some we will share with you when space and time allow.
We will continue to be a voice for those who have none and will continue to expose corruption in an effort to fix things that are broken. Most importantly, we are calling for military judicial reform.
The military judicial system is terribly slanted in favor of the government. It’s never been about justice and fairness, it’s about keeping control and ridding the military of those pesky whistleblowers, or people they just don’t like for one reason or another.
The military does this under the cloak of proper method the military judicial system has been providing since George Washington, but especially since the adoption of the UCMJ.
Keep the faith and we will continue the fight.
P.S. A good website to visit is usmadata.com that watches West Point. Very interesting indeed